Best In Show

I enjoyed the movie “Best In Show” not just because it was funny, but because it had a lot to do with the arguments i made in my paper. Many people today have the thinking that perhaps fame and money is what will truly bring them everlasting happiness. I have always disagreed with that. I know that no amount of money and/or fame can bring happiness because happiness is something different for different people.This point was well brought out in the movie “Best In Show.”

   The contestants for te dog show came from all walks of life; rich and poor, straight and gay, Rural and urban. However in the end, only one couple won.This brought them a lot of happiness. The others realized   that they already had happiness or pursuing other goals and activities was what truly brought them happiness. Their quest to win only brought them uneeded stress and a lot of unhappiness.

 So if you want to be happy, it might not come from being famous or even being rich. Just reach within yourself and find what makes you happy. Because happiness is just around you.

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