Movie Review (Response Paper 3)

At first this movie made no type of sense to me. I found it very funny, but was lost in what the director was trying to tell us. But then I came to the conclusion that the movie really had nothing to do with dogs or contests. The movie was actually about people and their motivations. It was about how far people will go to get what they want, ultimately how far they will go to be happy. In a sense it was even about what makes people happy.

All the contestants had different motives for winning the dog show. But at the end of the day the winning the contest was what made the contestants happy. In my first paper I wrote about how you must count on yourself to make your own happiness, but this movie definitely supported my thesis statement. These contestants were willing to do anything and everything ton win this contest. This is exactly how we should be when it comes to our happiness – we should not have any limits as we attempt to acquire our own happiness, especially being that we’re the ones experiencing our happiness. In the movie, the contestants who won were going to take home the trophy and cherish it. When it comes to our happiness, we’re the ones who cherish it. Yeah, others rejoice in our happiness, just like the other contestants congratulated the winner, but when we lay in our beds at night we’re the only ones who feel whether we are happy or not.

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