Group 3 – Repetition

Perfection is just as bad as positive thinking. Positive thinking is like lying to yourself, it’s a scapegoat. It’s pretending everything is okay and using it as an excuse to not make things okay. Sounds a little like perfection, right?

Perfection is the epitome of positive thinking. It’s a universal desire. It’s an excuse to look past imperfections and pretend those flaws are perfect. But if flaws are imperfect, then how is anything or anyone perfect if they are all flawed?

Perfection is positive thinking. It’s pretending those flaws don’t exist, or that they are perfect so that we can feel good about ourselves. Almer tries to make his wife perfect in his eyes despite the positive thinking that everyone else is emitting. He tries to use positive thinking on his wife to persuade her to go through with the removal of the imperfection, regardless of it’s risks to her health.

In the end, how perfect did she become? Is death perfection? If we want to positively think, then yes it is. In Almer’s eyes, perfection was achieved as the imperfection disappeared but positively thinking won’t bring her back to life.

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