Group 3 Speech, Literary Device: Repetition

The Perfect Idiot

The notion of ever achieving perfection is ridiculous. It is ridiculous to believe that any action of ours can attain perfection, or that any object can be perfect in itself. Aylmer, you are blinded by the pursuit of perfection, but the only thing you are not blind to is your wife’s birthmark. You perfectly believe that you are perfect, and this perfection is perfectly ridiculous. Aylmer, you are not only an idiot, you are a perfect idiot because you perfectly contradict yourself in the following statement towards your wife, “No, dearest Georgiana, you came so [nearly] perfect from the hand of nature, that this slightest possible defect…shocks me as being the visible mark of earthy imperfection.” So wait, make up your mind. Is she perfect or is she not perfect? She can’t be both. I think the problem lies with you, you think you’re perfect. As you say, “doubt not my power”…you must think you’re some sort of God. And then you go on to tell your wife , “then worship me if you will! I shall deem myself hardly unworthy of it.” Point in case, you think you are perfectly perfect, a little God on Earth. And by playing God and trying to manipulate your own little world in the pursuit of happiness, you destroyed a human being. Pity you, you perfectly imperfect idiot.

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