Necessary Interdependence — Group 5-

The idea of Necessary Interdependence is the idea that we should rely on people when absolutely need to. Today, people rely on each other too much. In addition, they rely on each other unproductively. This gives rise to too much interdependence. In our new theory, people need to be more autonomous, and start to make simple decisions in life because learning how to make simply decisions in life will give rise to an individual making bigger decisions. There is no perfect “state” in the theory of Necessary Interdependence because as most classmates mentioned “it is impossible never to rely on anything”. Meaning, this world is totally connected through multiply networks, and random arrangements. So whether you live of off the dirt in the soil, or oxygen in the air, you still rely on something to survive. In conclusion, the general premise of this theory is to ONLY rely on people when you need to do so, and start making simply decisions by oneself. (Deon, Sal,Andre, and 2 others<– I dont remember there names..sorry)

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