
Prior to watching those two clips in class, I always perceived creativity as being something worthless. I still do but I have more sympathy for it. First off, let me begin by stating that I’m seeing this from a business perspective and no other. Yes you might think I’m some sort of monster but I really don’t care. The reason we are all in school, especially BARUCH College is to receive a degree in a business field ( most of us anyway ). The corporate world is cut-throat and there is no time for moral and ethical behavior. It’s all about maximizing profit and minimizing cost. It doesn’t matter if you take advantage of cheap-labor or outsource in third-world countries, as long as you are making the big bucks, it’s all good. Creativity from my own perspective is needed no doubt, but it should reside in a specialized department within a company or corporation. There is no chance in showing off your creativity if you are merely interpreting graphs or crunching numbers. For example, if I’m an Accountant at a firm. My job is to calculate the balance sheets, income statements, financial reports and predict future revenue and losses. Creativity plays no part in that role.

Creativity is almost non-existent anymore in the corporate world. Take a look at the iPod for example. It’s basically the same piece of technology but in a different form. No creativity whatsoever. The only time creativity even exists if when the invention was first created. The iPod was just one of the few MP3 players that really took off. All companies need to do now is just rearrange pieces of technology to create something “new” but in reality it’s still the same shit. But people still buy millions of them and companies rake in billions of dollars in revenue. This just proves that creativity necessary AT THE MOMENT in the corporate world. Who knows? It might all change and our world will be completely based on creativity.

Personally, I have little to no creativity whatsoever. Whenever I read a book or passage, I’m unable to see any images. I have much difficulty reading fiction novels or anything not related to non-fiction. I have an extremely tough time conjuring up images in my head as I read. Also whenever I’m doing any sort of work that involves creativity, it’s like someone putting a brick wall in front of my face. When someone tells me “Do something creative!”, it’s essentially telling me to do nothing. It’s one of the reasons why I do poorly in Language arts classes or any class that deals with an “Artsy” subject. I dislike being forced to take certain classes in order to graduate, I hope they will change that in the future. With that said, I do like CERTAIN things that are ambiguous so that its open to interpretation. I admire all the ambiguity in the works of philosophers and critical thinkers because it allows you to think for yourself rather than be told. However, I still prefer to work on problems that have an answer rather than no answer. I think it’s funny how there are still philosophers to this day attempting to answer questions that Plato or Aristotle has brought up. Some things just don’t have an answer. I’m going to end my response with one of my favorite expressions: “Cash Is King”.

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