My thoughts on creativity

This response “paper” is probably the hardest one for me to write as I am not that creative at all (or at the very least, a person whose creative instincts were not nurtured and was left to wither and die in a small, desolate place in my mind) as it requires be to visualize some aspects about “Creativity”. In any case to answer the questions posed by Ms. Kaufman, I do feel that there are times where I am given the chance to be creative, but I often choose not to. One such example for me would be my background in the arts (oil painting  and piano). I was never particularly interested in composing my own works or painting my own abstract works. Instead, I preferred to concentrate on playing classic pieces or reproducing famous works and painting still life/landscape works. So as a result, my creative muscle is not very strong and thus I won’t be able to “paint” as vivid a picture of my “creative” impulses.

I can only give you an example of the level of creativity I am capable. The most important requirement for me to be creative is that it have to have some basis in “reality”. For example, I can fantasize about fictional military engagements (though that could just be an extension fantasizing about playing strategy games) or put myself into a fantastical situation in a world that had been already been “created” (as in, any sci-fi /historical-fiction/military-fiction universe,though I admit, some of those “fantasies” are probably subconscious wish fulfillment stuff). That said, I do not engage in fanfiction writing as no one should ever be subjected to the horrid stuff that I would churn out if I actually did write (this fear comes from seeing the loads of horrid sh*t I see on those sites which leads me to believe that most people are not creative by nature, or conversely, non creative people like me, gravitate towards fantasies other people have created).

On the question of ambiguity, I prefer to have things answered as if the world was like that, it would simple and easy to understand. But knowing that its impossible to expect to know everything in life, I can live with a bit of ambiguity in my life. If something was so ambiguous and I can’t find any answers to on the INTERNET, I’ll just chalk it up as something I’ll never understand (or that its not my place to understand) and just go on with my life. And no, its not that “exciting” when your confused but it is exciting when you resolve the source of your confusion.

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