The Mission

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Charlotte Iserbyt was Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement, Department of Education during the first Reagan administration.

Creativity and critical thinking are very important.  Kids are being conditioned to be workers, who follow orders and the methods of teaching in elementary and high school show this.  There is a lack of creative and critical thinking in schools today, as well as a lack of traditional education of the founding fathers, Constitutional Law, classic literature, and basically all of the educational tools which this country was originally founded upon.  To create separate class structures, the majority of the population, the bottom poorer part, is taught this workforce training version of education, where creativity is looked down upon.  The advances in technology are also to blame for this, there is no more privacy, a student cannot formulate his own creative view or opinion because they are so inundated with what to think and when from all outside forces including and not limited to the tv, internet, social networking, advertising, corporate run media, and every other outside stimulus imaginable.

This is an excerpt from Jim Marrs’ book “The Trillion Dollar Conspiracy” where he quotes Beverly Eakman a former educator, government speech writer, and author of “Walking Targets: How Our Psychologized Classrooms are Producing a Nation of Sitting Ducks”:  “Rugged individualism encompassed a range of characteristics — independence, self-sufficiency, thinking for oneself. In the 1970’s the axe was laid to all three. Negative terminologies like “loner” and “misfit” redefined the individualist. Independence was scrapped for interdependency, self-sufficiency for redistribution, and thinking for oneself was equated with intolerance.  Today any close reading of the newspaper reminds us daily that the loner requires psychiatric intervention, and maybe drugs as well….”

I believe that we need to have children learn the basics, about english, math, and history, but achieving a higher level and mastery of all three, while reinforcing creativity and individual thinking.  To be creative is not enough, and a creative mind easily falls into the world of getting a gold star and a pat on the back, without attaining a level of intelligence needed to be a driving and positive force in the world.

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The Marley kids know, in order to pull ourselves up, and not become the downtrodden victims of class warfare, we must educate ourselves and the youths with creativity, knowledge, science, research, math, true history, language, and all of the other foundations of intelligence.  The other option is to be a worker who’s back is used to get someone else rich.  Anyone reading this who thinks that they may come from an upper class family with money and this doesn’t apply to them.  You don’t, we are talking about the global top 1%, and none of us are apart of it!

About Alexander Goetzfried

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