response #5

What is not creativity? Creativity is everything and nothing; it depends on how people look at the world. I am not going to get into examples on how people can see one thing and someone else can see another because that I would need an entire blog for that. In short, just by writing and using words is creative. Creativity transforms itself into many things. Other than just words, it can be pictures, thoughts and event emotions. What I find that is really creative is different angles someone can take a picture of a beautiful scenery. There are beautiful pictures that people just cannot stare away from. Human brains are very complex [as I learn from psychology]. Just by processing and thinking is creative. I am thinking about a puppy. That is creativity right there. You might be thinking to yourself, a puppy? Wow okay, so what is so creative about that? Well just by imaging a puppy uses imagination and creativity. Imaginary puppies are not going to pop out of nowhere. Now creativity, I believe really leaves a footprint when I am sitting somewhere comfortable, for example where I am now. Everyone is sleeping in the house so there is complete silence and I can hear the raindrops outside. I can smell the fresh water, blessed from the heavens. What perfection.

My feelings for ambiguity are ambiguous itself. It all depends on my mood. There are times when I feel depressed or angry and I would hate when someone leaves something ambiguous or open-ended. During those times, I would not want to think, I want to just sit there and cool myself down. I find that I can be irrational when I am in those moods. However, a lot of times, I can be happy and everything would be wonderful. I would love to use my imagination to think about the different possibilities and paths to take. There are times when not understanding something can be the best feeling in the world. You could be wherever you are and think things through however you like. This is most likely because I feel like I would be in control to do whatever I want.

Mother nature is creative.

About haibin.huang

I am an outgoing person that loves to have fun.
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