Creatively Ambigious

In this society, where everything seems to just revolve around education and work, people often lose their sense of creativity. What is creativity you ask? Creativity is the ability to use your mind to make nothing into something. Everyone views life differently, some more creatively than others. Some might see a cloud as just a big blob of white/gray while others might see that same cloud as a frog/bunny. Creativity is all in the mind. Nowadays it is harder to be creative because we’re always listening and being influenced by some type of authority. Parents, teachers, priest, newscasters, everyone tells us what to believe. The educational system restricts our creativity by being so structured and clear about everything. For homework assignments, papers, tests, projects, there’s always a format to follow, rules on how things should be done, etc. If professors and teachers didn’t give us so many guidelines and rules to follow we would have more freedom to be creative. I also think that the more we learn, the less creative we become. Education takes away from our creativity because it tells us what to do and what not to do, what is right and what is wrong, what this is and what that is. To be creative you need to let your mind think freely, and all the rules and knowledge we gain stands in the way of our creativity. Education draws a box, we think within this box, we refuse to let our thoughts cross the walls of this box; but when we think outside the box out true creativity shines.

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