
Anything can be regarded as creativity, but there are obviously different types of it. They form the different branches of creativity. For example, you have the topic of dance and there are different types of dancing; tango, salsa, breaking. Much like the topic of dance, there are different types of creativity. There’s an artistic kind, there is an inventive kind, there is a limitless amount of types. We cannot pinpoint what creativity exactly is just like happiness. Creativity exists when one does something out of the ordinary that others have never seen. I feel it is like that because there seems to be only so many movies Hollywood can make with the same plot. Here’s how a superhero movie breaks down; there is a hero, there is a villain, there is a devious plot from the villain to do harm,there is then the hero and villain fight, hero loses, hero comes back stronger and wins. The end, yet Hollywood producers always have new movies coming out with. If the director of the movie creates something new that has never been seen by the public before, he will be deemed creative, much like the movie Avatar. Many claimed it has the same plot as Pocahontas but technology used in the movie’s production boggles viewer’s minds. Creativity is essentially everywhere and you can call something uncreative if it is repetitive to the point it is the norm. Anything that stands out draws attention and makes people wonder, “What the hell?” it would most likely be counted as creative. Take for example Picasso’s paintings. No one really knows what he’s drawing but the abstract and ambiguity of his paintings causes a stimulation of thought in the viewer that they find creative.

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