The Creativity of Homosexuality! Well…only lesbians. (responce paper #5)

Creativity… “Create”, and “vity” mixed together. Well for starters, the first word that I see in “creativity” is “create”. Create is defined as to “Bring something into existence”. When I think about creativity I think of doing everything except what someone else is doing. For me, there are levels of creativity. Either something is mildly creative, or some is extremely creative. A paper mache can be considered something that is mildly creative in my sense. Something that I would consider really creative is the creation of a theory, or an engineering marvel. However, there has been something else that has been in the back of my mind ever since our last class; lesbians. I have to admit, these guys (excuse me, females) are so creative! The very idea of loving another female is very interesting. For men, I think it’s another story. If you see a gay couple (men) it just feels like “hey, there just two homosexual men”, however, when it comes to a female couple it’s something different. The human body is design to attract, or be attracted to the opposite sex (and that is a fact). Going against one’s nature requires some skill and well…”creativity”. When I had this discussion with some friends of mine over the weekend (both male and female) they mentioned a phrase that was quite funny, but upon further thought it stood out to me. The phrase was “the power of the penis”. Not to be extremely sexual or anything, but I think it’s safe to say that most women well… likes penises. And according to my definition of “doing everything except what someone else is doing”, lesbians fit that paradigm perfectly. In fact, on my levels of creativity I would place them in the extremely creative section where all the people who created engineering marvels are. I really commend them for the creativity; it must have taken a lot to resist “the power of the penis.”. Wait, I think I used the word creativity so many times. Perhaps I need to work on my creativity.

PS: Professor, it would be really cool if you could invite a lesbian/writer speaker to class one day.

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