Response paper #6

The poem that I chose to work on is “The Electric Slide Boogie” by Audre Lorde. Probably, the main reason that I chose this poem is due to some sort of resonance I felt with its tone. From the lonely/nihilistic vibe in the beginning of the poem to the “when you fall get back up” feel at the end of the poem all appealed to me, albeit probably in a different sense from the way that Lorde had thought of it. I’m saying this, of course, because her and I live/d in completely different worlds, both had completely different struggles. During my research, I read a basic overview of her life, and found out she had breast cancer, which she struggled with for 14 years until her death in 1992. “The Electric Slide Boogie” is actually her last poem. In it, she essentially asks “What’s the point of living”. Her answer is “existing bonds” and preoccupation. My answer to that question is similar yet focuses more on purpose and “living for the sake of living so as not to regret”. As such, I would like to compare and contrast our respective view points on this matter using the poem as a medium.

With regards to the digital essay, I don’t really have anything in mind just yet. I don’t have any idea on how to make one either. Though I’ll depend on Luke to help me with that one. As for being in a group, I don’t think anyone else in the class will have such a morbid topic. Though I could luck out if someone else chooses the same poem as I did. So feel free to post any comments and criticisms that you may have.

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One Response to Response paper #6

  1. Marianna says:

    The digital essay is basically supposed to be a visual representation of the thesis you are trying to prove in your paper. So once you think of your thesis, that’s when you can begin figuring out what your video will be about. Although I’m not sure if the paper is supposed to be a comparison between you and Audre Lorde. I could be wrong, though.

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