Digital Essay

I just realized we had an assignment due on Friday, April 22 x.x
I know this is late but for the sake of putting my ideas across I will post this blog anyways.

So for the Digital Essay, I had many ideas that came to mind.
First, I love editing videos (even though I am not good at it).
I hope in this Digital Essay I have a chance to do that.
Second, I’ve always wanted to do something with claymation or a flash animation.

I have made a claymation once in Junior High School, which was really fun. Interesting enough, it was for History Class, my worst subject! I’ll have to say, my History teacher was one of the best history teacher there was because she made the class creative and fun.
Flash animation was something I did in High School but also not very good at it. I’m not sure I can actually make a flash animation for this digital essay because animations take a lonnnnnnngggggggggggggg time to make. =(

Anyways, I’m really excited about this digital essay. I wonder what other people have in mind and what they will be doing.
I’m also wondering what we’ll learn on the day we get back from this break.

I’m still a little confused about how we are going to connect the paper assignment with the digital essay if we are making the digital essay in groups. Does the digital essay have to relate to both our paper assignments? Or is it two separate things?

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One Response to Digital Essay

  1. vivian.zhu says:

    After hearing how you wanted your story to go I realized how similar our ideas were. I think the only difference was I was going to have the character constantly go back to a shop buying mirrors. In the end she was going to be surrounded by mirrors and breaks down, smashing all the mirrors. This dark figure was going to push her down, but she fights it and in the end she goes about her day not looking at her reflection. Funny thing is I wanted to draw it out and do a flash animation too. Seems hard; didn’t even realize how little time there is left.

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