Poems Poems and More Poems

So i have spent a lot of time looking at all of these poems, the hundreds of them and thousands of them that there are. It is not that i am getting discouraged at all of these poems but i just really do not like them and do not see the point of a poem. Most of them just make no sense at all and have no abstract meaning and yet people like them.

I am kind of looking forward to doing the video, i am just not excited about doing it on a poem. I would like something contemporary that is for sure, having something from the 19th century would just depress me since every one of them were drunk or high at the time of writing their poems. A favorite author of mine said that people who write poems are those who fail at writing music or songs. I can completely agree, it takes far more skill to write a song than a poem.

Anyway, i digress, i think the video would be fun to do and i am kind of looking forward for it, it is sometimes hard for me to show my creativity within a paper but this would be the third video project i have done and i am looking forward to what i can do on this.

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