Digital Essay

Making a video in general is something I have always wanted to do.  I never took a digital production course or art course before so the idea of putting together clips and pictures in pursuits of portraying a thesis really catches my attention. This isn’t going to be easy, but I have a feeling once I get a good idea of my thesis, using pictures and clips is only going to make it easier to grasp.  My creativity along with my group members is going to be a good combination.  Since I have never made a video before, it comforts me that I have two other people contributing to this project.  I am certain we are going to have totally different thesis, and approaches at this project, but I think that, that is what makes it so interesting.  It’s going to take patience, collaborating, and creativity, but when it is all said and done, it’s going to be my first of many videos to come.

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4 Responses to Digital Essay

  1. dt117539 says:

    I honestley cannot wait to get this video started. i was thinkning shooting it in central park? lemme know girl.

  2. yay. YES sounds like a plan! 🙂 we have to start taking pictures and getting this started!

  3. yo is there a spot for one more in the group? Laura you asked the other day and I’m totally down, because its gunna be really hard to do it myself

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