My Thoughts and Ideas on the Project

So I’ve been searching and searching for the right poem. One that helps me express how I feel about what poetry is all about. It took me a couple of days, but I’m confident that I finally found it. The main reason why it took me so long to find this special poem was the fact that I was looking for a poem that was about poems. How we should take them in. In class I discussed how I hate when people destroy the natural beauty of a poem, so eager to find the thesis that they remove the rhymes, the use of words, just to find out what it means. Why can’t we just read it and go with how it makes us feel? Even if it makes us confused and frustrated, we should base its meaning off our own unique emotions.

So when it comes to my video, I’m not 100% sure what I want to do. I love making videos, so the process won’t be straining, only the initial “lift off” is difficult for me. I want to choose a slow song for my video, but one with alot of emotion built into it, maybe like “Hallow” by Pantera. This band may seem a little strange if some of you were to listen to it, but im sure I can get a different emotion out of each and every one of you, much like a poem should.

I don’t know what else the video will contain, maybe of me doing something that will get a different reaction out of each of you (dont worry nothing scary or creepy ha ha) but just something artistic, different. I want to really reach out to you all on an individual level.


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3 Responses to My Thoughts and Ideas on the Project

  1. finally! my response didnt post correctly before

  2. says:

    I don’t think you should care about what other people think about the music you choose. This is your chance to fully express your opinions and if that music does the job best then so be it.

    I can definitely relate to the difficulty of initiating a video idea as well. Also, I agree that after finding an idea, everything else will flow smoothly.

    Good luck to you!

  3. thank you Brian, your right, I shouldn’t care what people think about the music.Good luck to you as well!

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