Video Project

I have not chosen a poem yet because i do not know how this will look like yet. Choosing a poem i think is the hardest because i cant imagine playing out the poem on camera. But with the way creative projects like this have worked for me in the past is to i guess just go with the flow. Make any idea i come up with and make it work. After all everyone’s work will be unique anyway why not shoot the video in the way you like… If someone likes animation, so be it, i for example would probably do just straight shooting.

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One Response to Video Project

  1. I really like your video. I felt like it brought out more than just the challenges of life and overcoming, but also about the immediacy of living in the moment. Meaning that life isn’t only about overcoming the obstacles and moving on to the next stage. Instead the here and now are just as important, and possibly more so than the future, and we tend to forget that at times.

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