Contact Lenses video proposal

Given the time to think, I have finally decided that I will be using Audre Lorde’s poem, Contact Lenses because it struck a chord in me. It reminds me that sometimes you lie to yourself and shield your eyes from the truth because it makes it easier to go on. You may think that it’s the best way to face the cruelties in life but its not. So when you take off those contact lenses, it may hurt a lot for a while because you were so used to shelter, but in the long run, seeing the truth is better than living in a lie. And besides, “eyes are the windows to your soul”

As for the video, I was thinking of just a filming a couple of scenes with little to no audio/narration and faint music playing behind. The scenes will be cut and blurry and will have quick “flashback” type scenes in between.

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