Essay # 3

I think that i will write on this poem, it is nice and sweet, simple and easy with a very strong meaning that i think i can easily write 5-7 pages on. Its a cute poem as well and has very strong feelings.

I think that i will most likely speak about how love is the most important thing in the world, it is so important that it is worth more than positions of power, fame or fortune and refer back to the poem as my proof. Something like “Love is such a powerful feeling, it is all expansive and it is never ending, this is what Charles Bernstein was trying to say. If you truly love someone than you would never let them go, even if you had all of the diamonds in the world, which would equal billions of dollars and a lot of shiny things in your pocket, giving you everything you could ever dream of, expect the only important thing, a person to love and be loved in return. ” That is just something i wrote in 5 seconds, so if you have any input or think of a better way to state the poem, hit me with it.

The digital essay, i think i will  have the poems lines appear at the top and i have many different pictures appearing quickly across the screen, such as diamonds and pearls and then a man constantly coming in and saying no. I’m not sure to be hones,t not yet anyway, if you have any ideas hit me with it.

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3 Responses to Essay # 3

  1. I was thinking about the digital essay and i came up with something else. I am interpreting it as “love is an extremely subjective feeling with no definition” So i was thinking of making the media show everything that people love, include some of what he does, maybe even tape asking people what they love, and from there make a bridge to the ending which would show people’s significant others and why we love them more than others.

    Can i include some interviews on this project? Like “What types of things do you love” and an end question “Do you have a significant other that you love?” I show the interviews with people saying they love their stuff and then the ending showing them say that they love their significant other more than anything or anyone else.

  2. EKaufman says:

    Hi Eugene, We can talk about this more tomorrow, but that particular poem is a bit more complicated than I think might be possible to realize without background research. EJK

  3. Isn’t the essay supposed to be my own interpretation of the poem? So far i have this as my thesis statement

    All the Whiskey in Heaven is strong, unique and has a strong meaning, for it does not try to define love as other poems do; it describes subjective things that one may love and shows that nothing is as great a love as the one significant other in one’s life. Love is an extremely subjective experience and one that many people experience for objects, but in the end, the love for another is unique and greater than all the other loves that there are.

    Is that fine or shall i wait for tomorrow? I wanted to write a portion of the essay today.

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