Specifics of Final Project/Paper 3 & Digital Essay

I’ve scrapped my old idea in my previous post and after going through many old volumes of Chinese Poetry, I have finally found one a poem that is semi-compatible with the modern times (read: something that I could reasonably write a 5-7 page paper on).

The Poem is called “A Song of Chariots” by Du Fu. This poem is ostensibly about the plight of the poor/non-gentry during times of war. I believe I could tie the poem to the current perspectives with the thesis. Du Fu’s A Song of Chariots” is a poem that presents a unique viewpoint (for its time) that rings true throughout history as it describes the disproportionate burden the poor suffer during times of war – a view that is not shared by many of his contemporaries as he often writes from the perspective of the “lower classes”. That would be my “thesis” and of course, it will be subject to edits in the future.

For my Digital Essay, I have chosen a 2:30 minute piece here to be the background music for the video.

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/9deywC7sY6c" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

The piece is called “Asia” and its from the Senkou no Night Raid Anime OST (aka. NightRaid 1931). This theme has a very Chinese feel to it as it blends the Chinese Fiddle (erhu), piano and percussion very well. My plan is transition my own drawings of past and present along with the music. The old, when the erhu is playing, and the new when the piano is dominant.

Video wise, I don’t really think I could “animate” the whole thing. But I could do a very interesting “storybook” like style. Where there will be a main background image (more than one I would think) and there will be a smaller images overlaying it as time goes on. I am not sure if I will still have dialogue boxes as I really can’t draw faces really well. Anyways, I got my inspiration from the h-game Quartett.


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