Digital Project Proposal

I’m very excited to be working with the Mary Oliver poem but it has been really hard coming up with a thesis for the written portion of the project. But for the video, i think me and my groupmates still have conflicting ideas just because there are so many directions we can with the meaning of the poem and how we portray it. I’m an advocate for the plain and simple; I don’t think our portrayal of the poem should be too abstract because its not an abstract poem. My idea for the video is a fast slideshow of all the amazing things that can happen in someone’s life such as parties, starting a family, graduations, and etc. then a short scene in which the person who has had a wonderful life, gladly walks away with someone who will be portrayed as “Death”. With this idea, I definitely feel like, if planned correctly, it won’t go over the specified time. I can’t wait to really put this plan into action and see the final results =)

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