Contact Lenses video essay

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The poem I chose is Contact Lenses by Audre Lorde and the reason I chose this poem is because I felt that it speaks to the general public about an issue that people all too often avoid. Contact Lenses is about opening your eyes to the truth and embracing the pain that comes with it instead of living your life hiding in fantasies and lies. Distorting your views and lying to yourself may seem like the easiest way out and the simplest conclusion but you will never be able to move on with your life that way. Sure, the truth can be ugly and it can hurt, but in the long run, it is all about stripping away those “contact lenses” and embracing the pain so that you can finally see the light and take control of your life. In order to convey this idea through a video without being to vague or general, I decided to pick a specific example where people tend to lie to themselves. I used the instance of a relationship where you know things are never going to work out but you care so much about the other person that you're not willing to believe it and you're not willing to let go of something that isn't there anymore. The opening scene is the actual argument and conflict of the couple and as it goes on the person closes his eyes and pretends that everything about the relationship is okay, ignoring the problem. As he is picturing the "happier" moments, I decided to make that part of the film blurry to show that lying to yourself is distorting your vision. Furthermore, I put in quick flashes of the arguments in between the happy moments to show that you can't really escape from the truth. This is also representative of Audre Lorde's usage of broken syntax and lines. In the end, I wanted to signify that realizing the truth is a very good thing no matter how painful it can be and that's why it ends with the person seeing that ray of light and finally being free.

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