Land of the “Free”

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Song that is used in the movie is “Mad World” by Gary Jules

Can a country truly be free when a country’s own people is being harassed by its own citizens?  The United States is seen as the land of the free and of the people – but is this really the case? I made my video depicting the history of America and all its accomplishments but also showing America’s flaws. In this case, it deals with social injustices such as hate crimes. The United States still has a long way to go before being considered the beacon of freedom, liberty and justice. We should all stand up for the rights of others and stand up for what we believe in. We can change what generations before us could not – stop hate, end social injustice and end inequality. We need to “Let America be America again”.

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2 Responses to Land of the “Free”

  1. Marianna says:

    The beginning of the video is so inspirational, especially because of the music you used, because the music gives the video a majestic feel.

    Then when you switch gears and show the “negative side” of America, I really like how you have the second song playing, while also having a newscast playing simultaneously in the background.

    I feel like after people watch your video, they will definitely be moved, because it makes you really think twice about how free our country actually is.

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