My Digital Baby

Hello fellow movie makers! I present to you, my video. I will be very happy if this does not make you want to cry tears of blood. I really enjoyed watching the other projects so I hope you enjoy mine. The poem I chose is Myung Mi Kim’s “Into Such Assembly” and my thesis is… well I’ll let you guys guess that. I predict (for myself anyway) that Monday will be a day of hiding behind your hands and anxiously watching the faces of your fellow classmates while your video plays, can’t wait!

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

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5 Responses to My Digital Baby

  1. yevgeniy frenkel says:

    You… may want to look at your project, i cannot play it it says it was… blocking in our country?

  2. yevgeniy frenkel says:

    sorry, blocked*

  3. Liz Kim says:

    Huh, that’s strange… I don’t seem to have a problem watching it. I’ll ask some friends to log on and see if they can watch it. Thanks so much for telling me!!! 🙂

  4. dt117539 says:

    Did you upload it on from iMovie? you have to change the settings, you can only see it because it was made on ur own account. You have to change the privacy, and make it available to everyone

  5. Liz Kim says:

    No I used Windows Live Movie Maker… thanks anyway 🙂

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