Digital Essay/ResponsePaper6


Due to my obsession with the word power and power itself, I chose a poem that defines my personality. The following poem by Edwina Matthews is the poem I have chosen for my digital project or essay.

To some power is guns
To some power is knifes
To some power is the ability to read, and write.
To some power is control
To some power is a fist
To some like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. power was words.
To some power is like a trapped animal trying to get out of a cage.
To some power is love
To some power is art
To some power is money
To me power is knowledge
So what is power to you?

I’ve always been fascinated with the concept of utter dominance and supremacy. The most interesting people in history to me were conquerors and generals. These people to me, wielded by far the most power. They were able to control the masses of weak-minded individuals during a time with no internet or media. Individuals such as Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, Atilla the Hun, Napoleon Bonaparte, Julius Caesar, Pope Alexander Borgia, and many other omnipotent figures. These are the people you hear of that change the course of history, the people that caused great change. Although these people wielded such power, they had their lives cut short. Perhaps power has a drawback? Or perhaps a consequence. Nonetheless, power is something that is still strived for today. From the defiant ruler of Libya Gaddafi to our power hungry politicians, power still exists.

I am a bit worried about the digital presentation of this project. I have no experience with any software dealing with art or anything similar to that. In addition to this, I have no creativity whatsoever and I never draw or write during my free-time. I really hope that our lecture class on how to do these presentations will be useful. I’ve seen the presentations done by other students and they were quite superb. That said, I am looking forward to doing something like this. I have never done anything similar to such a project in any of my other classes. The project looks fun and doesn’t look like a chore.

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2 Responses to Digital Essay/ResponsePaper6

  1. joseph.dabo says:

    if you are that obsessed with power, does it mean you are thinking about running for office? you do not come across as a politician to me man.

  2. That is a really “Powerful” poem Philip. This poem tackles so many concepts.

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