Digital Essay Proposal

Hello everyone!

I just noticed something went wrong when I tried to post this afternoon, so here it goes again! It was very hard for me to choose a poem for this project, but I think I just found the perfect one. I’m going to work with “A Quiet Poem” by Frank O’Hara, which is a short poem that has a lot of simple images and an important message, and that’s just what I needed.

To make the video I first had the idea of drawing the poem in a sort of RSA Animation, but this weekend I came up with the idea of making a sort of collage by using a white board as “the stage” and then mixing drawings with clippings. I’m not sure if I’m explaining myself very well, its hard to describe, but I hope I can give you at least a sense of what I’m planning to do.

At this point I’m not so scared about the video anymore (I still am, but I feel like at least I have some ideas), but I’m having trouble finding my thesis statement because I haven’t come up with a concrete and specific argument about my poem yet.

I wish we could discuss all this further in class tomorrow. I’ve read some ideas and they look pretty cool, good luck to everyone.


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One Response to Digital Essay Proposal

  1. Liz Kim says:

    I really hope you choose to make an RSA video because it looked really cool! I was also looking at a lot of Frank O’Hara’s poems this weekend so I’m doubly looking forward to your project 🙂

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