Digital Essay Proposal

So as a stated in class I wanted to work on Audre Lorde’s “Good Mirrors Are Not Cheap”.

For the essay I have going to write something about beauty and self reflection.I think I’m going to write about how society creates the definition of beauty through its media. We, as individuals, shouldn’t blame others or ourselves for who we are not but we should blame the media for creating these “distorted mirrors”.

In the Digital Essay, I hope to portray this idea through a cartoon animation. The animation will follow the words of the poem  through a character. The character [still debating on whether it should be girl or boy] will be looking at a mirror until a light flickers and he/she will see a flaw in him/herself. After the character punches the mirror, they will enter into a realm of distorted illusions and mirrors. I’m not sure how the ending will be yet…

Also, I will be working with Ling Ling and Vivian Zhu. Vivan is also working on the same poem but Ling will be working on Audre Lorde’s “Contact Lens”. I’m thinking about incorporating both the ideas of the two poems together since they do have some similarities. Now that i think about it, I could probably make the character put on glasses and enter the realm and in the end put on contact lens. The problem is… how do i do that with animations and do i have enough time to do that?

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