Another Video Question!

Hello guys!

I hope the videos are working out for everyone. I’m almost done but have a  little/major problem, I recorded a voiceover in a friend’s cool recording equipment, its saved as .wav, now I’m trying to open it in Garage Band to cut it in various “clips” so that the verses match with the scene I want them to, and it won’t open! Does anyone know how to convert it so that it opens in Garage Band, or maybe another program that will let me do this?

I know I can record voiceovers in iMovie, but this one has no background sound at all and I really like it. Plus, I don’t know if I will have enough time to record it again (I asked a friend with a nicer voice than mine to read the poem for me)



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One Response to Another Video Question!

  1. Yevgeniy Frenkel says:

    I believe that this can do it, try it at least, i cannot guarantee that it will, find out what files garageband likes

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