Team Irony

Laura Cvikevich, Elizabeth Kim, Olivia Caban, Danny Shimhayiv


*Aylmer walks in*

He says, it is gone!  The birthmark has disappeared! “Success, success!”

*Liz Laughing in the background.

*I wake up, and I look in the mirror, and I am happy that it is gone, but I am worried that Aylmer is still not happy.

Aylmer tries to make me feel better by saying I am perfect, and I’m looking good.

I say, “To everyone else, I am perfect, but to you, I was never enough.  Now look what you’ve done, I’m dying.”


“Hawthorne is allowing the overly appeasing Georgiana to take the typical 19th century feminine role as the naive, eager to please woman. Because Georgiana is so naïve, she’s allowing this “dominant male” to persuade her into believing he had the anecdote to rid her of her ghastly birthmark. Alymer successfully does something that Americans have been doing for centuries, fooling this poor woman into believing that there is nothing to fear… then what do you know? His fair maiden is perfect…perfectly dead. Great job Dr. A, you achieved in creating the perfect woman…by typical male standards at least; she can’t complain, she can’t argue – why, she’s freakishly perfect.”

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