response paper 4 option 2

As I was reading both texts, “The Birth-mark” and “Hills like White Elephants”, I noticed that the women in the texts were not exactly happy. In the passages, Georgiana and the girl from “hills like white elephants” were depressed and obeyed the men. The girl did not know her place in the world and was lost. She looked to the man for support and all he did was reassure her even though he did not know what he was doing either. To me, it seemed as if the man did what most guys would do – he sweet talked the girl into getting an abortion. He said what had to be said to get what he wanted. And through that, the girl found someone that “loved” her.

Similarly, Georgiana obeyed what her husband said. Even with all the conclusions pointing towards failure, she did what he said. There was no indication of her emotion but we can easily conclude that she was not happy. When she read through her husband’s journal, all she discovered was failed experiment. Yet, she still let him experiment on her. I do not know if it was blind love but she did what he said. He reassured her, telling her how perfect she would be after the birthmark is gone. And in the end, she was basically talked into a suicide.

In conclusion, both women in the passage were not happy. They were just blind and lost. What were they suppose to do? There was a yes to obey the man and be with them a little bit longer or say no and face the wrath. They were the victims of man.

About haibin.huang

I am an outgoing person that loves to have fun.
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