Author Archives: EKaufman

Posts: 21 (archived below)
Comments: 3

About EKaufman

English Adjunct

We got class…




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Happy Summer!

Hi all, Thanks for a great semester and for all the hard work you all did. To those of you who were not in class today, I’ve left your papers in my mailbox, which is in the English Department, 7th Floor, VC Building.


Posted in DG13E, JM13D | 1 Comment





remember—there is no regularly scheduled class period!!


If you do not have a meeting time, it is your responsibility to email me to make one!

8:40AM            Mina

8:50AM            Suzan

9:00AM            Danny

9:10AM            Vivian

9:20AM            Elizabeth

9:30AM            Manuela

9:40AM            Ikey

9:50AM            Brian

10:00AM            Tommy

10:10AM            Danielle

10:20AM            JAR


10:45AM            Joe

10:55AM            Philip

11:05AM            Anna

11:15AM            Eva

11:25AM            Haibin

11:35AM            Kristie

11:45AM            Diana (Achibar)

11:55AM            Eliza

12:05PM            Andrey

12:15PM            Sol

12:25PM            Gavin

12:35PM            Zannatul

12:45PM            Laura

12:55PM            Geraldine

1:05PM            Diana T.

1:15PM            Ling

1:25PM            Victor Huang

1:35PM            Eugene

1:45PM            Aleks P.

1:55PM            Mikhail

2:05PM            Steven (Miaolong)

2:15PM            Greg

2:25PM            Aferdita

2:35PM            Maurice

2:45PM            Lauren

2:55PM            Carmen



3:30PM            Deon


3:50PM            Emily

4:00PM            Malisa

4:10PM            Jenny

4:20PM            Jacqueline

4:30PM            Allen

4:40PM            Emil



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A few more Poems & Poets…

I know I mentioned many poets and poems in class yesterday, so wanted to share some more specific links!

Anne Waldman, Fast Speaking Woman–on googlebooks and video of her reading

Martin Espada, “Coca-Cola and Coco Frio”


David Shapiro

Looking for Whitman and poems by Walt Whitman

Joshua Beckman (book excerpts and more poems)

Frank O’Hara

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Poetry Foundation

This site has a huge amount of information–full texts of poems, articles and essays, and a searchable database (search by poet, title, subject, keywords, etc).

Another site that has a ton of different kinds of poets and poems (both contemporary and more traditional). The search features are a little less flexible than the Poetry Foundation’s.

Electronic Poetry Center

This site is devoted to much more contemporary and experimental writers.


This site has full texts of many out of print contemporary poetry books.


A site devoted to recordings of readings and talks by writers old and new.

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Greetings & Creativity

Hi all,

Greetings from Atlanta, where it is 85 degrees and humid, and I have spent the past two days thinking and talking about education, creativity, writing, and, of course, happiness.

A few links to new things I’ve learned/discovered/heard about:

“Schools kill creativity?”

“Education and the Changing World of Work”

So, my questions to you are…how often do you feel that you are able to be creative? How does that manifest itself? What does it look like?

And, how comfortable do you feel “living with ambiguity”? Do you feel okay not understanding something from time to time? Is it exciting to be confused? Why?

These questions are coming from a talk I just heard a former teacher of mine give–he said that one of the problems with the way education works in America (specifically when thinking about testing and assessment) is that one of the biggest parts of being human and being a “grown up” is that our “lived experience is ambiguous”–but the way that schools work doesn’t seem to reflect that…so, curious to hear your thoughts!

Posted in DG13E, JM13D | 10 Comments


Hi everyone,

As you all know, there have been some changes to the syllabus.

PAPER 2 is now due on Monday, April 11.

Rewrites of Paper 1 are due on Wednesday, April 13.

AND, please read Rebecca Brown’s “Forgiveness” for Monday, April 11.


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Schedule of Appointments

Hi all, Please remember that Monday there is no “regular” class scheduled. Instead you will each meet with me individually. Please bring your most recent draft of Paper 1. If you do not have an appointment with me, please email to set one up ASAP. My office is VC 7-290K.

ALSO…a change to the syllabus–your “final draft” is now due on Monday, March 14!

Monday, March 7

8:40     Tommy

8:50    Mikhail

9:00    Mina

9:10     Danielle

9:20    Danny

9:30    Olivia

9:40    Isaac

9:50    Aleks

10:00  Maria

10:10   Vivian

10:20  Aferdita

10:30  Diana

10:45   Gavin

10:55   Jacqueline

11:05   Diana Achibar

11:15    Phillip

11:25    Joseph

11:45   Allen

11:55   Andrey

12:05  Mark

12:15   Maurice

12:25  Eliza

12:45   Laura

12:55   Eugene

1:05     Brian

1:15      Ling

1:25     Emily

1:35     Anna

1:45     Malisa

1:55     Eva

2:05    Alex

2:15     Emil

2:25    Kristie

2:35    Carmen

2:45    Lauren

2:55     Deon

3:05    Greg

3:15     Betzalel


Wednesday, March 9

1:00   Suzan

1:10   Geraldine

1:20   Victor

1:30   Marianna

1:40   Steven

1:50   Haibin

2:00   JAR

2:10   Jenny

2:20   Elizabeth


2:40   Manuela



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Manifesto drafting process from yesterday’s class

How to Live in Draft Form

We’ve all experienced the sinking feeling that happens when one gazes upon the pearly white of a syllabus and sees the looming word “rough draft” and a due date. We’ve all felt the butterflies that come with midnight composing, the rush to just finish, and the paranoia that our draft is not good, will never be good, can’t be good. So, now, allow me to ask you to consider the following: why not just accept the draft and move in? I am asking you all to join me, to live within the draft or the drafting process, to bask in the glory of imperfection, and allow yourself to know that writing is never really done.

As Frank O’Hara reminds us in “Meditations on an Emergency,” “it is easy to be beautiful; it is difficult to appear so.” What he really means is that appearances can be misleading—imperfections abound, so why not embrace said imperfection and find beauty in it? Why not simply take a run on sentence and run with it until you figure out a way to morph it into a beautifully comma-ed clause?

Free Writing/Brainstorming:

Drafting is the process of just getting things down on paper. Drafting is a way to make one’s ideas legible. Drafting is drafting, has different connotations than if you get drafted into the army per se. but still, I think a lot of people see “draft” and cringe. Drafting never ends. There is no such thing as a finished piece of writing. All we have are drafts. We must learn to love our drafts, the drafting process, the want to draft.

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On Novelty

Oh, Freud.

In the beginning of “Chapter 5,” you write, “Novelty is always the necessary condition of enjoyment” (43).  But, I keep finding myself getting tripped up by what you are implying here–maybe it is this notion of “novelty”, maybe “necessary” is the word I take issue with. I am reading Beyond the Pleasure Principle for easily the tenth time, and yet I am enjoying it just as much as the first time, perhaps even as much as the eighth time. So, how could novelty really be “the necessary condition of enjoyment?” It seems like you draw a connection between “instinct” and the way the “compulsion to repeat” causes humans to continue to follow their instinctual drive to repeat something repressed or somehow connected to past trauma–does this then mean that every time an act is repeated it becomes novel and new?

How can an instinct be “conservative?”

It seems like Freud has 4 main points or links or symptoms he thinks the “compulsion to repeat” comes out of: nightmares, children’s play (fort da), therapy/delving into a past repressed, and anxieties about the future. But that still leaves out a lot of human experiences that are repeated yet still novel.

Am I being too literal minded? And, seriously Freud, what about music–isn’t the whole point of a chorus to repeat? Don’t we like songs because their lyrics are repeated and stick with us?

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How many times does Kanye use the word “Power” here? How many times do we see his face? How many times do we hear the song on tv–either on awards shows, SNL, or now commercials. But, I still love the song–it makes me feel “happy” for the 5 or so minutes I can listen.

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