Author Archives: Gavin

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Digital Essay

For my digital essay, I decided to film the process of me trying to understand the poem I chose to write my final paper on. I shows my procrastination and frustation for the project because it felt too vague for me to write about. For the actual video itself, I couldn’t really show knowledge without having text but basically I went for a walk around my community and wondered, how could people find knowledge and implement it into the lives of people. There are many ways to learn and teach and implement but not many people implement what they learn in school. i.e. when on earth would I want to do calculus anytime in my life after being forced to learn it.



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The Pig by Roald Dahl

The poem that I have chosen for the project is The Pig by Roald Dahl. I chose this poem because of he following lines that were inside the poem and plan to capitalize on this section, segment:

He worked out sums inside his head,
There was no book he hadn’t read.
He knew what made an airplane fly,
He knew how engines worked and why.
He knew all this, but in the end
One question drove him round the bend:
He simply couldn’t puzzle out
What LIFE was really all about.
What was the reason for his birth?
Why was he placed upon this earth?
His giant brain went round and round.
Alas, no answer could be found.

What LIFE was really all about, that line in the poem really stuck out to me because I honestly can’t figure out what the purpose of life as a human being is. I plan visually present this poem through, maybe animation. Yeah, most likely animation. Animals, for example are raised to be butchered and become food for human beings through these massive grinders. I would show a pig going through the grinder and coming out as bacon, pork chops, etc. I would then show a cow going through the grinder coming out as steak, milk, etc. I’d probably throw a few more animals in there as well. I know, this may make me sound like a terrible person, but it is all in the name of showing the poem visually. Anyways, finally or in the middle of the visual, I would show a human going through the grinder. There is a jam in the machine as it does not know what humans are suppose to come out as. There are simply too many options: business men, painters, fashion designers, professors, etc etc. Actually, should the grinded human meat come out as a pie (Swenny Todd reference) Anyways, can it be that the point of Human life is knowledge? I’m still working on a thesis at the moment.

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Digitial Essay

I’ve already have experience making a digital essay for the class and other classes through my high school classes. The only problem I’d expect to have is picking a poem. I for one, despise poems and I haven’t deliberately aimed to read poems for a while now. I like the idea of making a poem into visuals, into something people can see my interpretation. As for my choice of what type of video I want to make, I’m leaning towards a straight out shooting of video, no animations or anything. Honestly, I look forward to this project once again, but again, picking a poem with be my problem.

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Anything can be regarded as creativity, but there are obviously different types of it. They form the different branches of creativity. For example, you have the topic of dance and there are different types of dancing; tango, salsa, breaking. Much like the topic of dance, there are different types of creativity. There’s an artistic kind, there is an inventive kind, there is a limitless amount of types. We cannot pinpoint what creativity exactly is just like happiness. Creativity exists when one does something out of the ordinary that others have never seen. I feel it is like that because there seems to be only so many movies Hollywood can make with the same plot. Here’s how a superhero movie breaks down; there is a hero, there is a villain, there is a devious plot from the villain to do harm,there is then the hero and villain fight, hero loses, hero comes back stronger and wins. The end, yet Hollywood producers always have new movies coming out with. If the director of the movie creates something new that has never been seen by the public before, he will be deemed creative, much like the movie Avatar. Many claimed it has the same plot as Pocahontas but technology used in the movie’s production boggles viewer’s minds. Creativity is essentially everywhere and you can call something uncreative if it is repetitive to the point it is the norm. Anything that stands out draws attention and makes people wonder, “What the hell?” it would most likely be counted as creative. Take for example Picasso’s paintings. No one really knows what he’s drawing but the abstract and ambiguity of his paintings causes a stimulation of thought in the viewer that they find creative.

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Response Paper #4

We’re almost half way through with the semester in our “happiness” themed English class, but there is still so much more to learn. We have developed vague ideas of happiness. We developed ways of achieving happiness and basically answer the question, what is happiness, yet there are always new readings in which our ideas are challenged when we feel we have grasped it. Obviously, I have now come to a conclusion that happiness just happens because everyone is different; our frames of reference are so unique that happiness cannot be defined, like the idea of perfection in The Birthmark, by Nathaniel Hawthorne.

Happiness in The Birthmark developed around the idea of perfection. Aylmer simply couldn’t resist talking about the birthmark that was on his beloved wife’s face, calling it a “defect”. I don’t believe that a birthmark makes a woman any less desirable than one without a birthmark. Aylmer might have achieved his happiness for a brief moment, when the birthmark was finally off of his wife, but she died in the process. Was it worth it? He lost his beloved wife in the process for a brief, less than a second, moment of happiness seeing his wife only look perfect. From Aylmer’s frame of reference perfection seemed to his idea of happiness but from his assistant’s frame of reference, it is implied that he looks beyond the birthmark and would keep Georgiana the way she is if she were his wife. His way of happiness did not involve accepting the fact that he, Aylmer himself, had to develop personally and not force it upon others.

In the Cathedral by Raymond Carver, I concluded that that happiness comes from relaxing. The narrator at the end seems to have found an indescribable feeling that he has come upon through closing his eyes and following the flow of drawing a cathedral. He felt free and weightless, exposed in a sense. Despite the fact that the effect might have came from the “dope” that they were smoking, the feeling of happiness could be interpreted as a breakthrough in a new way of seeing life or just three people smoking a dope for temporary happiness. The way it was written makes and calls upon so many different interpretations. For example, the blind man once claims that he’s up for new experiences and maybe that is why is seems so free and knowledge. He listens a lot because he cannot see. He is immune from the idea of perfection on a human being and accepts people for who they are through personalities.

Come to think of it, these short stories are so unalike yet not. They both tackle on the idea of happiness but the one strictly bases happiness off of visuals and the other does not. In The Birthmark the “Crimson Hand” is the defect, the flaw in Aylmer’s perfect wife and it must be removed for the two to be a happy couple. In the Cathedral, the narrator begins on judging the blind man, the way he interacts with the narrator’s wife, the way he looks without his sunglasses, and the way he eats but in the end, when the eyes are closed, he feels the happiness. I honestly don’t know what to think anymore on the simple idea of happiness.

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Group 2 – Foreshadowing

Foreshadowing in The Birthmark

Aylmer’s dream of removing his wife’s birthmark leads to him taking out her heart in the process because the mark goes so deep. Georgiana has a notion that something fatal will happen if the birthmark is removed yet she still suggests that he either removes the mark or take her life. This foreshadows that the worst will come upon during the experiment. Another example of foreshadowing is when Georgiana reads the scientific journal. She learns that his experiments were successful yet failures at the same time. It might show that even if her mark were to be cured, there would be a defect or consequence to come with.

Perfection can only exist in nature in that the human ideas of perfection are indirect opposition to nature and the two cannot co-exist. Eventually you will destroy yourself trying to achieve it. We saw that since she was born with the birthmark, if it is removed it’s like removing her in a sense. Much like the flower that was presented, Aylmer says, “…pluck it, and inhale its brief perfume while you may. The flower will wither in a few moments, and leave nothing save its brown seed-vessels…” (267-268) This foreshadows the events that will come. Georgian perishes in the end as she does live for a moment after the birthmark is removed. It is a reference to the brief perfume of the flower. Aylmer just had to learn how to appreciate his wife and accept her flaws.

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Option 2

Susan Sontag writes, “the modern style of interpretation excavates, as as it excavates, destroys; it digs “behind” the text, to find a sub-text which is the true one.” She writes this trying to explain that reading is now all about symbolism, allusions, and references. Writing is a way to express thoughts by the author and reading is trying to understand where the author is coming from. i.e. the time period, the age of the writer, and the events happening all around. When we read we have to dig deep into the text to actually understand it, to interpret it.

After reading Hemingway, I still felt a little confused about who said what in the short. I have a vague picture of whats going on. The male character seems to be on vacation with the female character and she sounds as if she has fallen out of love while he is still madly in love with her. I say this because throughout the whole short, she always wants him to be quite and stop talking, to seize peace. Her reference to the white elephants baffles me though. I cannot picture mountains that look like white elephants because of the sun. The mood of the short also seemed very dull and they didn’t sound at all knowledgable of what they were going to do next, talking about happiness in the past and comparing it to their current state and how their happiness would be after they “do it”. Also, the female character doesn’t seem interested in the conversation at hand with the male. She is constantly looking outside the window and admiring the hills that looks like white elephants to her.

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Response Paper #2

In both readings, Daniel Gilbert and Sigmund Freud talk about memories. They both believe that memories trigger the sense of pleasure principle or happiness. I saw Freud referred to pleasure as overcoming pain. For example, Freud writes, “Now in the traumatic neuroses the dream life has the peculiarity: it continually takes the patient back to the situation of his disaster, from which he awakens in renewed terror (pg. 9).” These nightmares, or exaggerated memories, are repeated again in the patient’s mind so they can perfect the situation to the point where it does not affect the patient anymore, to which they can find pleasure from the painful memory. This relates to the “reality principle” where they postpone pleasure while they endure pain (pg 5).

Gilbert would have agreed to this to some degree. Gilbert believes that happiness lays in comparing and relating current experiences with past experiences, but the past is vague and never perfect in the memory. Both these philosophers acknowledge the importance of the past and the differences between people’s feeling but they built off it differently. Gilbert would disagree with Freud on how happiness is obtained. Gilbert states, “Once we have an experience, we are thereafter unable to see the world as we did before. (pg 57).” This counter’s Freud’s term because Freud implies that to get pleasured, we must overcome out pain while Gilbert upholds the idea that pleasure comes from referring back to past events. Gilbert would argue that with new experiences, comes new pleasures. It is pointless to go back to old memories and ponder about them until you have overcome them through perfection. Gilbert also states, “..but the likelihood is depressingly slim that we can resurrect our experience and then evaluate it as we should have back then (pg. 57)”. Holding on to the past is never accurate.

I would agree with Gilbert because holding bad experience and dwelling in it takes a lot more time to achieve the so called pleasure we strive for in our lives. Gilbert’s clarity on the subject that there are different experiences between people is key. Since we are different people, I believe that there will be different levels of happiness that people are in and they will always experience new things that will help them achieve happiness or pleasure. This is the fastest way people achieve it and if they were to be Freud’s concept of pleasure, patients will take a lot longer to get over the pain/depression state they are in. I also believe in Gilbert’s thought because genuinely, people seem happy most of the time and not really try to perfect a situation.

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