Author Archives: haibin.huang

Posts: 8 (archived below)
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About haibin.huang

I am an outgoing person that loves to have fun.

The Talk

Sylvia Plath’s “words” is something so personal but yet general. The meaning behind the poem, besides her experiences of tragedies including her father’s death and her realization that death is humanities’ fate, is that words are powerful weapons just like an axe. It can be beneficial or forever haunting; it can keep a fire going or kill zombies.

In the Video, it starts off with Michael waiting for Calvin. He eventually receives a phone call that sounds serious and urgent. Michael then rushes over to the meeting spot. On the way there, he thinks about two things that can happen once he gets there; either Calvin is calling to break up with him, or take the relationship to a new level. These are two possibilities but there are always more, which helps to strengthens my argument. The video ends with them finally meeting. I had the video a silence video with just a few words was to show the endless possibilities words can have.

hope everyone enjoys


[kml_flashembed movie=”” width=”425″ height=”350″ wmode=”transparent” /]

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Getting straight down to business. I do not know what poem i am going to do. However, i do have a brief idea of what i am going to do. I want to do something on self discovery and self acceptance. It is actually a big topic by many music artists and i think it is a problem for some people.

I know i am late but i enjoyed Luke’s presentation. I am going to try my best to make it to the workshop. it would be a great help especially when i never made a video before. in fact, i do not think i ever even touched a movie making software before. I am hoping i can use my friend’s camera to video tape and maybe we can learn a little something.

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response #5

What is not creativity? Creativity is everything and nothing; it depends on how people look at the world. I am not going to get into examples on how people can see one thing and someone else can see another because that I would need an entire blog for that. In short, just by writing and using words is creative. Creativity transforms itself into many things. Other than just words, it can be pictures, thoughts and event emotions. What I find that is really creative is different angles someone can take a picture of a beautiful scenery. There are beautiful pictures that people just cannot stare away from. Human brains are very complex [as I learn from psychology]. Just by processing and thinking is creative. I am thinking about a puppy. That is creativity right there. You might be thinking to yourself, a puppy? Wow okay, so what is so creative about that? Well just by imaging a puppy uses imagination and creativity. Imaginary puppies are not going to pop out of nowhere. Now creativity, I believe really leaves a footprint when I am sitting somewhere comfortable, for example where I am now. Everyone is sleeping in the house so there is complete silence and I can hear the raindrops outside. I can smell the fresh water, blessed from the heavens. What perfection.

My feelings for ambiguity are ambiguous itself. It all depends on my mood. There are times when I feel depressed or angry and I would hate when someone leaves something ambiguous or open-ended. During those times, I would not want to think, I want to just sit there and cool myself down. I find that I can be irrational when I am in those moods. However, a lot of times, I can be happy and everything would be wonderful. I would love to use my imagination to think about the different possibilities and paths to take. There are times when not understanding something can be the best feeling in the world. You could be wherever you are and think things through however you like. This is most likely because I feel like I would be in control to do whatever I want.

Mother nature is creative.

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response paper 4 option 2

As I was reading both texts, “The Birth-mark” and “Hills like White Elephants”, I noticed that the women in the texts were not exactly happy. In the passages, Georgiana and the girl from “hills like white elephants” were depressed and obeyed the men. The girl did not know her place in the world and was lost. She looked to the man for support and all he did was reassure her even though he did not know what he was doing either. To me, it seemed as if the man did what most guys would do – he sweet talked the girl into getting an abortion. He said what had to be said to get what he wanted. And through that, the girl found someone that “loved” her.

Similarly, Georgiana obeyed what her husband said. Even with all the conclusions pointing towards failure, she did what he said. There was no indication of her emotion but we can easily conclude that she was not happy. When she read through her husband’s journal, all she discovered was failed experiment. Yet, she still let him experiment on her. I do not know if it was blind love but she did what he said. He reassured her, telling her how perfect she would be after the birthmark is gone. And in the end, she was basically talked into a suicide.

In conclusion, both women in the passage were not happy. They were just blind and lost. What were they suppose to do? There was a yes to obey the man and be with them a little bit longer or say no and face the wrath. They were the victims of man.

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Irony in the birthmark group 1

What is ironic about trying to be perfect? Take reality television Heidi Montag for example. She was not satisfied with how she looks so she underwent multiple facial and body surgeries. She thought that doing so would make her look and feel better. What was the outcome? “Perfection” and all she had to do was give up a few close friends and family members. No big deal, it’s what people have to pay to be famous. Now she looks more like a Barbie doll. And screw the fans; she has far more important supports. She now has perverts that will be happy to donate to more surgeries.

Aylmer and Georgiana are not much different from Heidi Montag. They were equally successful in achieving perfection. Forget about a face of a fairy or an angel, Georgiana’s birthmark is described as a crimson stain. How cool does that sound? And when Georgiana read through Aylmer’s journal, she noticed that all his experiments were failures – but that’s okay, he just figured out what to not do and that is a big accomplishment. Thankfully, Georgiana’s birthmark faded away. Aylmer’s experiment worked! And all he had to do was give up someone he loved. It’s a small price to pay for such a grand accomplishment.

Speaking about accomplishments, look at Charlie Sheen. He’s getting so much publicity time. He’s everywhere, one television, in magazines, and event in advertisements. When he said he was “winning”, he was right, he’s getting rich! And if he decides to sell his tiger blood, he’s won’t even need to act in “two and a half men” anymore.

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response #3

“Best in Show” was a very funny movie. it is one of those movies that people might not enjoy as much if the viewer was not in the mood for a laugh. but for those who are ready to laugh, this movie would hit the spot. I thought the funniest thing about the movie was how extreme these people love their dogs. i know if i had a dog i would love it but not to a point where one couple is yelling at another to please the dog like if it was going to save the world. The movie was unique because this is a movie that revolving around a dog show but in truth, is showing how the characters would act if they were in a situation as parents. starting with Meg and  Hamilton Swan; they are a very weird couple that seemed to cherish their dog like it is their baby. in a way, this couple is portraying themselves character if they were to replace a child with the dog. the couple are people that would pamper their child and give their child everything and anything to please and make the child happy. Cookie and Gerry Fleck are people that are together only because of the dog ( relating to real life, a child). it seems as if they are completely different people and that the only reason they are together is because one is taking advantage of the other. Cookie seems to be using Gerry to have a stable future because she understands that she can not be running around forever. and Gerry is the nerd all throughout his life and it is a dream for him to be with someone popular. Cookie cheats on Gerry and Gerry would get jealous each time but it seems as if without the dog, there would not be a relationship.Harlan Pepper is a person that is used to being alone. the only people he has are his friends and fishing buddies. his hobbies seem to be to love the dog, fish and play with his dummies. people say the dogs are men’s best friends because that is all he has. as for fishing and playing with his dummy, it is his way of passing by time. fishing is something people enjoy if they had a lot of patience and Harlan pepper seems to be someone that would not might being alone just sitting there waiting for a bite. and the dummy is also a tool to keep someone from feeling lonely and keep the user busy. Stefan vanderhoof and scott donlan are the gay couples that care so much about each other (and a child).The lesbian couples would be like an average family with the wife looking glamorous while the husband does the work and heavy lifting ( and their child would just be there doing his thing).

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response paper 2 (haibin Huang)

Sigmund Freud, in chapter 2, carefully analyses “children’s play” known as “fort da”. Freud uses the example when a baby has a toy with a string attached, it would throw the toy to a place he cannot see and pulls it back. This example can also be recreated with a game people today know as “peeka boo”. Take a mother trying to play peeka boo with her child for instance. When the mother covers her face with her hand, the child is curious where the face he usually sees went. And once the mother moves her hand to reveal herself, there is a smile on the baby’s face because there she is, right in front of him.

Aristotle’s allegory of the cave states that a man trapped in the cave would not know the shadow of a chair on the wall is a chair because he has never seen it. But once he sees the chair, he would know it’s a chair and make good use of it. Aristotle used the example of a person and the shadow to explain that someone might not be aware of something until he experiences it.

Freud uses his analysis of a baby with his toy to express a similar point as Aristotle and his allegory of the cave – a person cannot experience happiness without first experiencing the opposite. Once the mother of the baby reveals herself, she notices the baby laughing and cheering. That is because the baby never thought of the mother leaving his side until it actually happens. And at that point, the baby realizes what makes him happy. Similarly, Aristotle states that a man does not know what a chair is until he experiences it. In the same sense, if the man were to be happy in the cave, he is not truly happy because he has not experience the outside world. He cannot say he is truly happy because there might be something out there that would make him even happier.

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