Author Archives: dt117539

Posts: 11 (archived below)
Comments: 9

About dt117539


Live Life to the Fullest

Mine Geraldines and Lauras Digital essay. Eyooooo!!!!watch?v=tkH_zLG5fa4


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we all love to laugh, we all love jews, and passover was a short while ago so why not watch this really funny movie about a dysfunctional family having a super funny passover seder next wednesday? the movie is an hour and 25 minutes. heres the trailer…and its on netflix watch instantly, who’s with me?

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Would Napoleon Like it?

(Done with Laura)

So What I learned from the experience of changing words and mixing all the things around, is that in contemporary poems order doesn’t matter. It is sort of like an extreme way of interpreting something, it is as if you have pieces of a puzzle, and you’re allowed to make it as simple or as intricate as you’d like. And in this puzzle it doesn’t matter because you make the pieces fit together, you mold the shape. You are the artist, not the original one but in contemporary poems everyone is the author in some way.

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Video Ideas?

So Since our poem is about living your life to the fullest, i was thinking that maybe we could have two different scenarios of people and show how one is living a great life, and the other one is sort of just rolling by in the shadows. Also i want to incorporate some cool effects in the video, like a short film. Im actually glad that we have this video because it got me back into the script writing mood again, and god knows i haven’t picked up a pen and note pad in forever. Also i want to play with light, and music. i think the video is going to be more than 5 minutes though, i hope thats alright.

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Cool. So i have had experience with making videos. i used to be a total drama nerd in highschool. Im really pumped for this paper/video project. Our group has an amazing poem picked out, and i have so many things i want to say about it that i basically cant wait to get started. One thing im looking forward to in the video is making it really dramatic. I think that when we have the person come in and teach us how to make great use of our Macs itll be fun. i havent made a video in a really long time and im really psyched to get back into it.

Also over the vacation ive been doing a lot of watching movies, getting exposed to different types of film-making styles. And honestly there are so many things and ways to approach this video. I really cant wait to get started. 😀 Yay!

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Creativity Haiku

Education is
key. I have a law degree.

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Just putting it out there. How come so many people find happiness directly related to being accepted and loved? And how come every song on the Radio now-a-days is about finding love, or how to ‘get into some bitches pants’, or being rich and famous. Why do people try so hard to fit in, be apart of the norm? It kind of aggravates me to be honest. I find these types of ‘standards of life’ so passé. Since when did life become so boring. Life is meant to be extra ordinary, after all you only live it once right? Even if you are re-incarnated and then become someone else, you’re never going to be who you are right now in this moment ever again.
Live life to the fullest and take as much out of it as you can. At least thats my mentality on things.
“It only ends once, every thing before that is just progress”-Jacob (LOST)

Ps. I don’t know why, but I really got into the whole Blog thing. 🙂

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Hello Students of English. I have recently come across this amazing show, it is called LOST. I don’t think that anyone, including myself, can understand why I am so enamored with this TV show. But I feel as though it is my responsibility to spread the word. I am almost 100% sure that a lot of people on this blog have heard of Netflix, and that a number of you have it. Well Guess what? All Six Seasons and beautiful 114 episodes of LOST are on Netflix!!!!! Great News? I think so. If you have nothing to do over spring break, and you happen to have Netflix, I am asking you, try to start watching LOST. It really is a great show. While it was playing on TV I kept thinking to myself, what is this stupid show that everyone is OBSESSED with, and I had never really bothered to watch it. But a few weeks ago I was bored and i was surfing “watch instantly” on netflix and there it was, LOST Season One. So I thought to myself, “oh, what the hell lets give it a shot”. Thank the Lord that I did, because it has been the best decision i have ever made in my 18 and a half years of life.

Lost is a great show, it has really everything that appeals to every audience. It has a bit of romance, a lot of action, some supernatural things(nothing too crazy though). Not to mention, almost all of the actors are one step past extra ordinary. I know my opinion doesn’t matter. BUT THIS IS THE BEST SHOW MADE IN THE HISTORY OF SHOWS!!!!!!!!!!!

Have you ever heard the saying, ‘theres always light at the end of the tunnel?’ well this show is pretty much all about that. you’re probably not going to understand unless you watch the final season. But im not ruining anything so don’t worry. and also a lot of ‘ what was meant to happen will happen’ and kismet plays a lot of part in the show. Its about a bunch of people who survive a plane crash and land on a mysterious island and they need to survive. Sort of like “Lord of the Flies” but the grown ups version. And the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815 cannot find any way to communicate with the rest of the word and get back home.

Also you meet new characters through out the show so its not boring, and its such a suspenseful show that you keep questioning everything that happens. Everything you think you know about the show is more or less wrong. And you find that out in the end of season 5. Season 5 by far is the best season. Even though im done with watching the show i cannot wait to start watching it again. Also, i am the most unemotional person when it comes to movies, let me tell you this, when i was watching the series Finale(season 6 episode 17 which was a total of one hour and twenty three minutes) i was crying like a baby. Not to mention lastly, that 90% of ththe people who survived the plane crash just happened to be very aesthetically pleasing. (good job jacob, you really know how to pick ’em)(<-you wont understand that joke unless you watch the show, so WATCH IT!)

BEST SHOW EVER <3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Holon Childrens Museum

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Response Paper 4

“I like it when there is some feeling of threat or sense of menace in short stories. I think a little menace is fine to have in a story. For one thing, it’s good for the circulation. There has to be tension, a sense that something is imminent, that certain things are in relentless motion, or else, most often, there simply won’t be a story. What creates tension in a piece of fiction is partly the way the concrete words are linked together to make up the visible action of the story. But it’s also the things that are left out, that are implied, the landscape just under the smooth (but sometimes broken and unsettled) surface of things”

I agree with Carver. I agree with him absolutley 100% because even though a short story is only a few pages it should still have the same effect for the reader, and should stir up emotions, same  as a long novel does.  People dont read works of litterature just to pass the time, people pick up books because they want to be affected in some sense, they want to know that what they are reading has a point. Really now, if we humans wanted to fill ourselves with something that gives us no true meaning or value, we would just stick to filling our days watching ‘Jersey Shore’.

I think of it this way, a book is a movie that hasnt been filmed yet. And movies that have little to no plot certainly arent award winning films. Why waste your time writing something as an author, if it makes no difference in anybodys life. And why waste your time reading something as a reader if it makes no impact on you, and doesnt toy with your emotions at all. It is human nature to want to be surprised, and to want to be stimulated in some way. I think it is safe to say that we dont want to life boring lives.

I think that Carver follows his own advice with cathedral because with each sentence you read, you question the narrators sanity. Not in a way that you would think that he needs to be locked up, but in a sense that it arises questions within you, internally. Why does he keep jumping from topic to topic. Anyways i really enjoyed reading “cathedral.”

Russell Brand 🙂

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