Author Archives: dt117539

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About dt117539


Response Paper 3

Dogs are great animals. I would know, I have two myself. One of them is actually my mothers dog,  Charlie the chihuahua. I dont consider him my dog beause he hates me. Each time I come close to him he starts growling, barking and biting me. The second dog is my cute little white Fluff Ball. He is a Havanese named Peotr Pervi, english Translation: Peter the Great. But we just call him Petya. Ever since  was a litte kid each time my parents would ask me if I wanted a brother or a sister, I would respond by saying, ” I want a doggy!”. Dogs have been a huge part of my life. I used to memorize each and every breed and learn everything about them.

I, from first hand experience, know that dogs bring families closer. The help a family to bond, and just bring pure and simple joy into their lives. I feel as though the movie, “Best in Show” shows how everyone strives to be the best at everything. And there is always this competition in being the best in everything. Honestly, I think people try to hard to be the best, and they get caught up in being this perfect robot that they forget to be happy.

My Uncle breeds, Dobermans, Boxers, English Bulldogs, French Bulldogs, and German Sheapards. And most of his dogs are world champions. The puppies of those pure breds go up to three thousand dollars. I personally dont believe that life is about being ‘pure-bred’ its all about being happy, even if you are born a mut.

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