Author Archives: emily.wong3

Posts: 4 (archived below)
Comments: 1

Digital essay!

Hello guys!

We did a video on Audre lorde’s poems “Contact Lenses” and “Good Mirrors are not Cheap”.  We wanted to film at first, but due to conflicting schedules, we just mashed up a few youtube videos.  We hope you enjoy our video and try to guess what our theme is!

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response 6!

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Response 4

In both stories “Hills like White Elephants” and “The Birthmark”, I think it’s weird how stories about happiness can be so sad.  Jig and Georgiana were portrayed as vulnerable females whose only chance at happiness is to make their significant others happy.  In both cases, both females throw away their own happiness because then mens’ happiness is more important to them than anything else.  I don’t think these two stories depict how everyone feels about happiness.  I think it’s important to consider the happiness of those you love, but to the extent of Georgiana and Jig is a bit extreme.  Happiness should come from YOU actually wanting to do it, not because someone else wants you to.  You shouldn’t be forced to do something you don’t want to in order to make someone else happy, because that’s not how you gain happiness.  In the story “Hills like White Elephants”, We can clearly tell through dialect and narration that Jig didn’t really want the abortion, because of how much she emphasizes on “being back to how we were”.  She wanted the carefree relationship she had with the man she loved, because they were both happy.  But with the baby in her tummy, it created unwanted problems and stress between the couple.  Women these days are much more independent and can stand up for their own happiness, much unlike Jig.  In “The Birthmark”, Georgiana was extremely unhappy because her husband was so disgusted by a tiny flaw on her cheek.  In a situation like that today, most women would’ve just left him!  If you have such a beautiful woman as your wife, tell me WHY you aren’t happy with her.  I think everyone strives for happiness for themselves nowadays, and especially in cities like New York City.

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Movie review :)

While we were enjoying the movie in class, I had completely forgotten that we had a reason for watching it.  At the very end, when asked about why this movie was chosen for the theme in the class, I honestly had no idea.  The movie was funny, and had everyone hooked from beginning to end, but how did it link to happiness?  I thought about how each character developed throughout the 48 hours that they spent being interviewed, and realized, that happiness is never expected.  You can set your sight on something that you think would make you happy, but more often than not, you discover something along the road about yourself that will end up making you happier than you think you can be.

In the movie, we followed five couples throughout the process of preparing, travelling, and entering the competition.  Each couple wanted their dog to be the best, but there can only be one winner.  Of the couples that didn’t end up winning, each of them discovers a passion that they didn’t realize they have.  They didn’t accomplish their goal of being the winner, but they realized what made each of them happy along the way.  Happiness is something you can’t foresee or plan– it springs on you.  Happiness needs to be discovered, but most importantly, it is right in front of you.

On a side note, I recently got two hamsters, and they make me happy 🙂 meet Barty and Rex!

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