Author Archives: marek.klepadlo

Posts: 3 (archived below)
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‘All The World’s a Stage’


Shakespeare tells us there are seven stages to life. But no matter which stage you are in there will always be confilicts or problems. Problems are unavoidable, inspirational, motivational, and a part of what life is.

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Video Project

I have not chosen a poem yet because i do not know how this will look like yet. Choosing a poem i think is the hardest because i cant imagine playing out the poem on camera. But with the way creative projects like this have worked for me in the past is to i guess just go with the flow. Make any idea i come up with and make it work. After all everyone’s work will be unique anyway why not shoot the video in the way you like… If someone likes animation, so be it, i for example would probably do just straight shooting.

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Response Paper 3


“Best in Show” was definitely an unusual movie. It seemed almost like a documentary. I believe the main purpose behind this movie was a life lesson about happiness. Although this movie was all about the dogs, it really portrayed how the dogs behave in response to their trainer.

For example, the man with the bloodhound would constantly say how much he loves the dog and adores it yet he doesn’t strangle it. He would constantly give the dog space go hunting with it and perform normal activities with it that dogs should be doing. It can be concluded that because he lives his life so free or loosely his dog is free and relaxed too thats why he had one of the best dogs in show.

Other good trainers were the gay couple. Because they lived a free and loving lifestyle themselves the dog felt a good relationship with the trainers. They almost treated the dog like a human. For example when they were in the hotel room and they were looking at their competitor he would start talking to the dog. Only talking not giving him commands or yelling or stressing the dog out.

On the other hand, one couple that were training their dog (i believe it was a greyhound) had a terrible relationship with each other. All they would do is get into arguments and scream and yell around the dog. Therefore, the dog would always be quiet, sad, and disobedient. At the dog show the dog could not control himself because he was acting just like their trainers, mean and aggressive.

I believe the moral of this movie is that no matter the dog, if the trainer is not happy and relaxed when training his dog the dog will never be disobedient. Obviously animals prefer to listen to happy people and are influenced by that. I think from this we can also conclude that happiness in ourselves in general influences the people around us and can affect the way that someone carries on with their day. Therefore, it is important to try to stay happy because whether it’s animal or human, we impact the ones around us.

-Marek Klepadlo

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