Author Archives: yevgeniy.frenkel

Posts: 11 (archived below)
Comments: 5

Digital Essay, Whiskey in Heaven

This was a fun project to do and i enjoyed it. My poem is All the Whiskey in Heaven by Charles Bernstein, he likes to joke around a lot and he used this poem to make fun of other poets, i took advantage of all of his readings of this poem and i created a video based on that, i have pictures of stereotypical love poems and then him reading his own poem and him reading how he thinks a poem should be, together i think i created a very powerful video. The songs all seem to fit and i love listening to them. Overall it was very fun to do

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Youtube Converter

So i already posted this before, i am not sure why it was deleted and it kind of annoys me that it was. Anyway, this is the converter for youtube videos

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Youtube Converter

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Would he like it?!!!! (With Tommy)

History teaches. Let me recite what history teaches. Would Napoleon like it if I told him. If I told him would he like it. Exactly as kings Exactly as kings exactitude as kings exactly or as kings. Feeling full for it so to beseech you as full as for it. Shutters shut and open so do queens. Shutters shut and shutters shut and so shutters shut. The exact resemblance as exact as a resemblance exactly as resembling exactly in resemblance for this is so. Now actively repeat. Now actively repeat all. Now to date Napoleon the First. Three. Two. One. I land. I land. I land. They date Napoleon. Napoleon came first. I judge Napoleon came first. History Teach’s Napoleon came first.


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Essay # 3

I think that i will write on this poem, it is nice and sweet, simple and easy with a very strong meaning that i think i can easily write 5-7 pages on. Its a cute poem as well and has very strong feelings.

I think that i will most likely speak about how love is the most important thing in the world, it is so important that it is worth more than positions of power, fame or fortune and refer back to the poem as my proof. Something like “Love is such a powerful feeling, it is all expansive and it is never ending, this is what Charles Bernstein was trying to say. If you truly love someone than you would never let them go, even if you had all of the diamonds in the world, which would equal billions of dollars and a lot of shiny things in your pocket, giving you everything you could ever dream of, expect the only important thing, a person to love and be loved in return. ” That is just something i wrote in 5 seconds, so if you have any input or think of a better way to state the poem, hit me with it.

The digital essay, i think i will  have the poems lines appear at the top and i have many different pictures appearing quickly across the screen, such as diamonds and pearls and then a man constantly coming in and saying no. I’m not sure to be hones,t not yet anyway, if you have any ideas hit me with it.

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Free and Great Software

Hey guys, there is a website that has pretty much every type of software imaginable that you can download completely for free. This website even has video editing software, and some amazing stuff too. I am posting up the link, all of it is free, though there are some paid programs. The paid programs have FREE trials for FIFTEEN days, which is perfect since that is almost all of the time we have to create the digital projects, so if you are interesting do some browsing, on the left side are some options you can select to have less choices and to search better.;main

This website has everything, it is not only video editing software, so check it out if you need anything.



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Poems Poems and More Poems

So i have spent a lot of time looking at all of these poems, the hundreds of them and thousands of them that there are. It is not that i am getting discouraged at all of these poems but i just really do not like them and do not see the point of a poem. Most of them just make no sense at all and have no abstract meaning and yet people like them.

I am kind of looking forward to doing the video, i am just not excited about doing it on a poem. I would like something contemporary that is for sure, having something from the 19th century would just depress me since every one of them were drunk or high at the time of writing their poems. A favorite author of mine said that people who write poems are those who fail at writing music or songs. I can completely agree, it takes far more skill to write a song than a poem.

Anyway, i digress, i think the video would be fun to do and i am kind of looking forward for it, it is sometimes hard for me to show my creativity within a paper but this would be the third video project i have done and i am looking forward to what i can do on this.

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What does happiness mask?

“Hills Like White Elephants” shows happiness in a very weird way but one that many people experience in their life. Happiness here is being depicted as something that makes the person you love happy. If the person you love is happy and you made them that way then you are also going to be happy. Many relationships are built upon this notion, a lot of people have some type of run in with this situation. I find it a very weird situation and one that I found I did not like. After a while you start to resent the other person or you feel resentment, at some point the mutual trade of happiness does not equal out. This will causes feelings of resentment and anger and will ruin the entire relationship. I saw this story just like that. The girl seemed like she, personally, wanted that baby but she wanted to make her man happy. She decided to give up that baby to make him happy and yet he had given nothing in return. I see this relationship as breaking up soon and the happiness is short lived. Happiness is sometimes just a mask for something worse.

“Story of an Hour” is very similar to Hemingway’s short story. The woman believes that she is recently widowed and beings to celebrate. She goes through life and realizes that she really was not happy and did not enjoy life. She thought she was happy though, she did not realize it was fake. She did not realize that her happiness was just a mask for something worse, something that would ruin her. These two stories seem to say that happiness is really not such a great thing. I see a common idea, one that says that happiness can be fake or it can be a mask for something worse, something that neither party wants to confront. Jig seemed happier than Louis and yet in the end Louis was the far happier person because she realized what she was missing in her life, even if it caused her death. Jig just went on with her life and is heading for a huge fall.

As a reader, what did you think that the stories tried to accomplish? Did they support the idea that happiness is just a mask or is that me reading far too much into the tone of the stories.

This is one of my favorite songs, its by a famous Ukrainian composer and i just like the way it sounds. It also relates to what i am saying, the video that is. These people really do not seem that happy and yet they want to stay together, it seems like they have bigger problems and they try to mask it. See what you think, fast-forward to 38 seconds

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Ironical Perfection- Group 6

Group 6- Foreshadowing

“You don’t know what you have until you lose it.” This is something that no one ever understands.

“Ah, upon another face, perhaps it might! But never on yours! No, dearest Georgiana, you came so nearly perfect from the hand of nature, that this slightest possible defect- which we hesitate whether to term a defect or a beauty- shocks me, as being the visible mark of earthly imperfection.”

Until he loses her he will not realize what he has. He must always strive for perfection and this is true of all Americans. They are all undermining America by their relentless need to have something perfect. They are always looking to improve their situation by the use of positive thinking but never realize that this is what screws us all over. This is the mistake that all of you make and this is what needs to be fixed before we can say that we are safe.

Even during the past decade, Americans have always been living beyond their means and this is what caused the recent economic collapse! The signs were all available and all one had to do was look and it would have been obvious. The signs were there already in the expanding crises and all of the corruption. Americans were all so greedy that they missed it. Just as this Aylmer, he missed what he had and so he has to lose it before he realizes it, he is the perfect comparison to the Americans and the economy.

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“Best in Show”

Watching the movie best in show was an odd experience. I didn’t really understand why we were watching this movie because it didnt seem to have anything to do with what we were going over in class. After thinking about it for some time i came to a conclusion as to why we watched the movie.

At first i thought it was just a joke, one that would make us start thinking but lead to nowhere since it has no answer. Still, i did come to some conclusion as to why we watched it. All people have theiro wn ways to achieve happiness and generally no person ever tries to figure out why they want to be happy, they just accept it. Generally people think they can only be happy if they do something extraordinary or win something extraordinary. While rewards do cause happiness they are not the onlu way to cause happiness. The people were not aware of what they were searching for and did not realize that it was a false cause. Everyone in the dog show wanted that ribbon because it would bring them happiness and celebrity status. The happiness was the most important part of the dog show. They earn happiness by living it through the dog, they were not beautiful themselves or exceptional so they wanted to raise a craeture that was perfect and beautiful and exceptional. They could not accept the fact that they were just normal people. \

Though ity was a satirical movie, it was a good observation of human behavior. We always want things that we can never have and we manipulate the enviornment around us to try to achieve whatever the goal is. If it is to dominate or humiliate an animal that is what they do. If it is to assign human characteristics to an animal that is what is done. It was a good study of human behavior and it creates a lot of things to think about and consider. There are alot of other arguments that could be made in response to that movie but this is the one i focus on. Humans are illusionary creatures, they can never accept the truth.

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