Category Archives: ResponsePaper

Deon’s Contact

Hey guys. As I mentioned, it is strongly possible that I may not be attending Baruch for this fall semester and I would like to keep in contact with all of you guys. You can look me up on Facebook my name is Deon Marecheau, you cant miss it. Thank you for such a great semester and good luck with your future endeavors.

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Digital Essay Proposal- ‘Fear’

I have come to the conclusion that the poem I will use to create my digital essay and paper is “Fear” by Raymond Carver. The overall message that I want to get across is that in the current world we live in, fear is playing an increasingly significant role in the reason why people can no longer live stress-free lives. We ourselves are the ultimate reasons why we truly cannot be happy and live without fear, because we create fears out of our everyday troubles and uncertainties.  Due to the media publicizing unworthy events and the new discoveries revealed to us, people are finding flaws in almost everything. Whether it is reality or exaggeration, our focus on the worries in the world is only dragging the true essence of life down.

For my digital essay I will be doing a skit. Although my ideas may change I want to create a dramatic, yet lightly humorous, story line based on someone who is being negatively affected by the news and media on ridiculous matters. I believe that I will be able to depict the proper mood in my video by choosing the appropriate song to play in the background.

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Response Paper 6

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What to do, what to do….

I was thinking very hard about what exactly I should be writing my digital essay on but I think that out of all topics available, I want to focus on our ever-expanding freedom of choice. Every day, people feel less and less obligated to fulfill what society pressures them into and this is especially prevalent in today’s music. “Born This Way” by Lady Gaga advocates for the LGBT community and songs by artists such as Eminem stress the importance of being true to yourself. I have not decided what I want to do just yet but I think I will try to find a poem from a couple decades ago that has similar ideas to this and then try to incorporate both into my essay.

Gaga\’s \”Born This Way\”

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Video Project Ideas

Well I don’t know too much about poetry, and I have been looking at poems online by authors that I like but I have not found anything that interests me enough to make a video on.  The hard part is finding a poem which is video worthy.  One idea I had was doing a Bob Marley song, either War because it is an adaptation of a speech by Haille Selassie I to the UN about the horribleness of war, but is difficult to link to happiness.  I think I am leaning towards a song, not a poem, but if anyone is interested in collaborating and has similar ideas let me know.  One Love, Three Little Birds, and a few Springsteen songs are others that I was looking at.

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Digital Essay

Making a video in general is something I have always wanted to do.  I never took a digital production course or art course before so the idea of putting together clips and pictures in pursuits of portraying a thesis really catches my attention. This isn’t going to be easy, but I have a feeling once I get a good idea of my thesis, using pictures and clips is only going to make it easier to grasp.  My creativity along with my group members is going to be a good combination.  Since I have never made a video before, it comforts me that I have two other people contributing to this project.  I am certain we are going to have totally different thesis, and approaches at this project, but I think that, that is what makes it so interesting.  It’s going to take patience, collaborating, and creativity, but when it is all said and done, it’s going to be my first of many videos to come.

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Proposal:Sex and Happiness (Responce Paper #6)

For my digital essay and paper #4 I believe I will be focusing on John Donne’s “The Flea,” It falls under the subtopic of metaphysical poetry, which is poems that uses elaborate conceits, and expressing the complexities of love and life. Metaphysical poetry has always really fascinated me because it was a way of how the highly intellectual people of the seventeenth century communicated issues without being public about it. This poem is about how a man was rejected sex by his lover. Specifically, I will attempt to tackle the idea of how sex is linked to happiness. Why is the character in this poem so attached to idea of sex? Is it because he thinks he needs this to be happy?
As for my digital essay, I will be illustrating a series of situations where a man is not happy after being rejected sex. Specifics are not known at this point but I will keep you posted definitely. It will be very captivating. = )

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Blog Post # 6

I have no idea what I would like to focus on for my final essay and digital video.  However, one thing that has greatly interested me is the poem about mirros we had read as a class dealing with the subject of self image.  Yes, its a well discussed topic and yes, we all hear about it all the time to the point where no one really cares.  However, what I have started searching are highly retouched photos that are given out to the public which train our eye to believe these photoshopped images are ”real” and ”beautiful.”  What ever happened to beauty in the eye of the beholder? Well with the magazines and catalogs provided to the average consumer, the image of beauty is given to us, though what we think is beauty is probably impossible to achieve.  Just take a look:

When you look at this image, its actually really hard to point out whats wrong with it.  This is because we have learned to accept the images sold, and are used to this ideal image of being thin, and beautiful.  I highly doubted this girl needed editing anyways.  However, this strive for perfection has caused an obsession with retouching.  Now, I bet if I didn’t point out the right of the picture, you would never realize that her waist is not proportional to her lower waist.  I mean, shes thin to begin with.  Why alter the image further? Its quite amusing actually.  But I guess we as viewers and consumers see this as an ideal image to sell products, and the mistakes made are minimal because its normal to be ”photoshopped.”






It gets even more amusing:

When looking at this image its apparent, she missing an arm!!! How could the publishers not even notice? Well I guess that’s not important as long as her waist is almost unrealistically thin and her cleavage are noticed.  So, what I was wondering was: were her arms so large, that one had to be edited out completely? Haha, who knows.  I’m pretty sure this went unnoticed by VS consumers as well because that’s not the obvious focus here.  Remember ladies : ”The arm wasn’t important anyways.  It’s the shirt we’re selling here, right?”




I wish people would realize that retouched photos are all over, the attempt to look like these images is impossible, so why try? I also wonder when something will ever be perfect?  It seems as if the world’s most beautiful people are endlessly retouched, never ending this determination for looking perfect.   Will being beautiful make you happy?  ( Just a random thought)  I want individuals to be aware that though they know most of the photos they look at are retouched, why do they continue to look at them, and want to become or resemble this when it only exists in the world of technology?  Mirrors is a great poem to relate this to because people look at themselves in unsatisfaction knowing they do not look like the ideal image they want to be, without realizing this is not something even the world’s most famously- known- for -beauty people look like.


Here are other pretty interesting images I noticed, that maybe people should take a look at :






































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Response Paper #6

At this point, I’m still relatively lost about what I want to do for the final paper. I’ve been looking through a lot of poems, but none of them seem to strike me as anything I’d want to devote an entire paper to interpreting. It’s likely that I’ll end up doing something with a theme of childhood, or growing up and becoming an adult, because I found a lot of the poems categorized under that theme to be particularly interesting.

The one thing that I’m completely set on though, is the idea of doing a stop-motion animation video for the digital essay portion. It might be a bit ambitious given the amount of time we have to do this project, but since I’ve already done a film project before for another class, I wanted to try something different this time around.

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Ideas for Paper #3 and the Digital Essay

As I begin thinking of which poet and ultimately which poem to write my final paper for this class, I feel sort of torn between Audre Lourde and Gertrude Stein. Both have such unique writing styles and the subjects of their poems are completely different. Lourde, as we learned, is the queen of writing excellent sentences with just few simple words. However, Stein is the queen of repetition which brings such power to what she is writing about. I now understand what Professor Kaufman meant about her comment of being very Gertrude Stein when we had to write a speech in Ehrenreich’s voice and use a literary element from “The Birthmark” which my group had repetition. I think I might be leaning towards working on a piece from Stein because I have been learning and experiencing much repetition in my own writing due to analyzing “Hills like White Elephants” and understanding the power of the message that stays in your head.

In thinking about the digital essay part of the paper, I admit I am still a little frightened by the notion that I have to create something so visual that snapshots what my thesis will be. I have only recorded short snippets on my six year old camera no longer than thirty seconds. I have seen YouTube videos with collages of pictures, music and short movies and I have never really thought that I could accomplish something like that. After seeing the sample ones in class, I feel somewhat more assured that it is possible to create a masterpiece and that we can interpret how we want to show our thesis in different ways. As of now I guess I might be working alone but that might be subject to change of course after we find out what people want to work on and if there are similar topics. As for ideas of the video itself, I like visuals a lot such as artwork and words that really stand out. I also really appreciate music because that helps videos to flow and also I have always listened to music more for the lyrics then the actual rhythm and beats. I would like to incorporate some of these aspects into my final masterpiece.

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