Category Archives: Uncategorized

Deon’s Contact

Hey guys. As I mentioned, it is strongly possible that I may not be attending Baruch for this fall semester and I would like to keep in contact with all of you guys. You can look me up on Facebook my name is Deon Marecheau, you cant miss it. Thank you for such a great semester and good luck with your future endeavors.

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‘All The World’s a Stage’


Shakespeare tells us there are seven stages to life. But no matter which stage you are in there will always be confilicts or problems. Problems are unavoidable, inspirational, motivational, and a part of what life is.

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Still I Rise – Maya Angelou

Sometimes life is unfair. It’s inevitable that we’ll come across challenges that we must fast, obstacles that we must overcome, and hurtful words that we must ignore sometimes. We live in a world where children kill themselves as a result of bullying, humans are trafficked because of their race or gender, and millions of people go through depression. People around us, whether they are people we know or people who we’ve never met before, seem to be constantly trying to put us down; but we just have to remember to be strong. Let them say what they want, do what they want because what they think isn’t important. Only what we think of ourselves is important. We should ave faith in ourselves, because we’re stronger than we might think. We should never let anyone or anything put us down. Let’s remember to hold our head up high and believe in ourselves, because with confidence and hope we can overcome anything.

Still I Rise

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“A Quiet Poem”

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Digital essay!

Hello guys!

We did a video on Audre lorde’s poems “Contact Lenses” and “Good Mirrors are not Cheap”.  We wanted to film at first, but due to conflicting schedules, we just mashed up a few youtube videos.  We hope you enjoy our video and try to guess what our theme is!

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Does anyone know of a website other than YouTube to upload my video project because YouTube stripped the audio off of my video? 🙁

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My Digital Baby

Hello fellow movie makers! I present to you, my video. I will be very happy if this does not make you want to cry tears of blood. I really enjoyed watching the other projects so I hope you enjoy mine. The poem I chose is Myung Mi Kim’s “Into Such Assembly” and my thesis is… well I’ll let you guys guess that. I predict (for myself anyway) that Monday will be a day of hiding behind your hands and anxiously watching the faces of your fellow classmates while your video plays, can’t wait!

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

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Live Life to the Fullest

Mine Geraldines and Lauras Digital essay. Eyooooo!!!!watch?v=tkH_zLG5fa4


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Another Video Question

Hello guys!

I hope the videos are working out for everyone. I’m almost done but have a  little/major problem, I recorded a voiceover in a friend’s cool recording equipment, its saved as .wav, now I’m trying to open it in Garage Band to cut it in various “clips” so that the verses match with the scene I want them to, and it won’t open! Does anyone know how to convert it so that it opens in Garage Band, or maybe another program that will let me do this?

I know I can record voiceovers in iMovie, but this one has no background sound at all and I really like it. Plus, I don’t know if I will have enough time to record it again (I asked a friend with a nicer voice than mine to read the poem for me)


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we all love to laugh, we all love jews, and passover was a short while ago so why not watch this really funny movie about a dysfunctional family having a super funny passover seder next wednesday? the movie is an hour and 25 minutes. heres the trailer…and its on netflix watch instantly, who’s with me?

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