When Will It Explode?

“No, it was a sellout. It was a takeover . . . They controlled it so tight, they told those Negros what time to hit town, where to stop, what signs to carry, what song to sing, what speech they could make and what speech they couldn’t make, and then told them to get outta town by sundown . . . ”-Malcolm X (458)


The 1950s and 1960s were a very turbulent two decades for a number of reasons, however Zinn asks “-or does it explode” referring to the second civil war that took place across the country. The diversity of perspectives is a motif that Howard Zinn presents in every paragraph. Here, Martin Luther King Jr.’s famous “I have a dream” speech during the “March on Washington” is experienced from a different angle. Malcolm X expresses the plight of an honest and uncompromising African-American population, following the anti-climatic culmination of their efforts. Zinn includes this testimony to legitimize the claim that: there is more truth to be told. A militant, educated and very angry African consciousness has been omitted from the conversation. Contrary to the broadcasted opinion the “March on Washington” was not unanimously received as a success, but rather the organized circumvention and obstruction of a battle against oppression.


Throughout Djangos’ journey, Tarantino implements a powerful twist regarding the strength of Dr. Schultz’s’ leadership towards Django, ultimately presenting the viewer with the real passion of Djangos love for Broomhilda. We first begin to see Django take this role while he is en route to Candy land with Dr. Schultz and Calvin. Calvin sends the canines to attack the Mandingo who ran away as he aggressively glares into the eyes of Django, trying to see if he will be disturbed by the tearing of a black mans flesh. Not only does Django remain in character, but he also is able to impress Calvin to an extent. The “leader” of the two, Dr. Schultz, cannot bare to look, and Calvin immediately notices and comments, “Your boss looks a little green around the gills.” Django successfully covers for him. I find it interesting because only a few scenes prior to this when the two are out for Djangos first bounty hunt, Django feels he cannot just kill a man but Dr. Schultz reminds him about the 7000 dollars the bounty is worth. It is worth noting Django has been a slave for his entire life and has no connection to the money he would receive, instead, he is focused on helping Dr. Schultz who will later help him find Broomhilda. Broomhilda is all Django wants in his life, and with ease, pulls the trigger. Under no circumstance will Django show any sign of breaking character in the sense of treating the slaves well; he is motivated, excited, and has made it his only priority to save his wife. Dr. Schultz who is against slavery altogether, does not have the pressure in the back of his mind to stay in character the same way Django does. Additionally, his tone to slaves altogether is “out of character,” and for the rest of their time at the Candy land plantation there becomes a real sense of Django being fully in charge. I find that this film says a lot about the intensity and importance between Django and Broomhildas’ love, and without that, Django would never ride away a free man nor would he be bumping to Tupac during a shoot out (kill out).