Drafts Impose Hate

Bernstein’s New York City Draft Riots and the Virtual New York website both show the violent draft riots of New York City. The riots began after the passing of the National Conscription Act of 1863. This act was passed by President Lincoln, imposing a national draft for men between 20 and 45. Their were riots in the street and many people were killed, including many African Americans.

Bernstein’s writing’s were detailed and long, but were more broad than the website. The website was very detailed and focused. I liked the website the most because it is simpler and less complex. The only thing I thought could have been better was the amount of pictures included; I thought that the website could have used more pictures than it did. If it make it similar to the other websites we learned about, it would  have been much better.

About Jonathan Nazarian

I like sports such as wrestling, basketball, soccer, and football. I enjoy music and life.
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