… and so they ended the War with a “Bang”!!!

5. The expansion of opportunities for same-sex relationships.

4. Migration to the suburbs and the “Sunbelt”, which was that area surrounding the Southwestern states and majority of the old Confederacy.

3. The expansion of housing which contributed profusely to the development and growth of suburban and urban regions.

2. Retail Development occured subsequent to the residential expansion which provided numerous facilities for residents and also contributed to the development of the city.

1. Subsequent to the Depression, population grew within the black communities. According to Chudacoff, those neighborhoods had grown “shaby”. However, a sense of unity and togetherness was development. The seemingly overpopulation of the area fostered unity, which I believe is of profound vitality. One may believe that, in comparison to all the other occurences that took place subsequent to World War 2, this is somewhat unimportant. However, I believe that every great outcome resulted due to people working together. Therefore, the unity and the fact that people are working together makes the city what it is today – a city of greatness.


Unity Within Black Community

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