Category Archives: admin only: Assignments
Final exam study guide
The final exam study guide can be found here. I will be taking questions in class Wednesday of this week (5/18), but feel free to ask me questions outside of class ahead of then. Your only assignment for 5/18 is … Continue reading
Assignment due 5/16
1) Visit the September 11 Digital Archive. 2) Read the Brier and Brown article manuscript, accesible through the password protected Readings tab. 3) Respond to this post with at least one substantial (2-3 paragraph) comment comparing the goals of the … Continue reading
Immigration discussion, continued from class
If your partner doesn’t have a post to comment on, you can respond to this post instead.
Assignment due 5/11
1) Read Binder and Reimers. 2) Write a post explaining in 2-3 paragraphs how your family, friends, or current neighborhood was transformed by immigration between 1960 and the present day. Include at least one image or video to highlight your … Continue reading
Assignment due May 9
1) Read Chudacoff, chapter 10 2) Respond to this post with at least one substantial comment (2-3 paragraphs), judging the effectiveness of government responses to the “urban crisis.” Read the comments that have come before you so that you … Continue reading
Assignment due 5/4
Next class we will be covering social protests of the 1950s and 1960s, particularly the Civil Rights Movement. Write a post that includes 2 videos (or a link to video/audio). One should show a protest song produced between 1960 and … Continue reading
Assignment due 5/2
List at least 5 ways that cities and suburbs changed between 1941 and 1974 according to Chudacoff. Rank your list from most important to least important (in your opinion) by putting numbers 1-5 next to each item. Write one paragraph … Continue reading
Assignment due 4/27
1) Review Chudacoff and Smith, sections on Great Depression 2) Author a post highlighting one aspect of the Great Depression in American Cities that is covered in the reading. Choose a topic that has not been covered yet. Write 1 … Continue reading
Assignment due 4/13
1) Read Chudacoff, Chapter 8 2) Leave at least 2 comments in response to this post pointing out how (based on the reading) the city became more modern between 1890 and 1930. Be as specific as possible and include examples. … Continue reading
Assignment due 4/11
Read Chudacoff and Smith, chapter 7. Write a post that briefly (a single paragraph plus an image or video) highlights a topic covered in the Chudacoff reading that relates to current events in our society and has not yet been … Continue reading