
Schedule of Readings, Assignments, and Exams

January 31:  Course Introduction

February 2: Constructing History in Our Own Time, 2000-2010
Go to course blog at  Browse through the tabs to familiarize yourself with the site.  Choose the “Assignments” tab and follow instructions in the “Assignment due 2/2” post.  This includes links to readings.

February 7: Urban Beginnings; “Discovering” New York, Dutch New Amsterdam, 1610-1664
Chudacoff and Smith, The Evolution of American Urban Society, chapter 1, section on “Urban Beginnings”
Homberger, The Historical Atlas of New York City

February 9: The Growing Colonial City; British New York, 1664-1783
Chudacoff and Smith, The Evolution of American Urban Society, chapter 1, “Problems of Growth,” and “The Social Mosaic”
Homberger, The Historical Atlas of New York City
Foote, Black and White Manhattan: The History of Racial Formation in Colonial NYC

February 14: Cities and the American Revolution, 1763-1783
Chudacoff and Smith, The Evolution of American Urban Society, chapter 1, “Cities in the American Revolution”
Gilje, The Road to Mobocracy: Popular Disorder in New York City
Homberger, The Historical Atlas of New York City

February 16: Commercialization and Westward Expansion, 1776-1860
Chudacoff and Smith, The Evolution of American Urban Society, chapter 2, “The Commercial Revolution,” “Westward Expansion,” and “Beginnings of Urban Industrialism”
Homberger, The Historical Atlas of New York City

February 21: NO CLASS, HOLIDAY

February 23: Public Services in the City, 1776-1860
Chudacoff and Smith, The Evolution of American Urban Society, chapter 2, “Problems of Growth,” [“Servicing the City” in older editions”]
Johnson, Policing the Urban Underworld
Koeppel, Water for Gotham
Homberger, The Historical Atlas of New York City

February 28: Social Relations in the City, 1776-1860
Chudacoff and Smith, The Evolution of American Urban Society, chapter 3 “The Walking City” and “Social Complexity and Contested Terrain”
Stansell, City of Women, Sex and Class in New York
Anbinder, Five Points
Homberger, The Historical Atlas of New York City

March 2: Leisure, Entertainment, and the City, 1776-1900
Rosenzweig and Blackmar, The Park and the People: A History of Central Park
Riess, City Games: The Evolution of American Urban Society and the Rise of Sports
Kasson, Amusing the Million
Homberger, The Historical Atlas of New York City
American Social History Project, The Lost Museum (Web site):

March 7: Slavery in the City, 1820-1863
(Review) Chudacoff and Smith, The Evolution of Amer. Urban Society, chapter 1, “The Social Mosaic” and chapter 3, “Social Complexity and Contested Terrain
Horton and Horton, In Hope of Liberty
White, Somewhat More Independent: The End of Slavery in New York City
Homberger, The Historical Atlas of New York City
New-York Historical Society, Slavery in New York (Web site):

March 9: Civil War and the Cities, 1861-1865
Chudacoff and Smith, The Evolution of American Urban Society, chapter 3, “Cities and the Civil War”
Bernstein, The New York City Draft Riots
Homberger, The Historical Atlas of New York City
Virtual New York (Web site):

March 14: Mass Transportation and the Changing Urban Landscape, 1820-1920
Chudacoff and Smith, The Evolution of American Urban Society, chapter 4, “The Growth of Mass Transit” and “The Geography of the Streetcar City” [earlier editions: “Spatial Segregation and the Beginning of Urban Sprawl”]
Jackson, Crabgrass Frontier: The Suburbanization of the United States
Warner, Streetcar Suburbs
Homberger, The Historical Atlas of New York City

March 16: Immigration and the Urban Experience, 1850-1920, part I
Chudacoff and Smith, The Evolution of American Urban Society, chapter 5, “Waves of Immigration” [“Migration, Old and New”], “Housing and Health,” and “Coping with Inner-City Life”
Binder and Reimers, All Nations Under Heaven
Homberger, The Historical Atlas of New York City

March 21: Immigration and the Urban Experience, 1850-1920, part II
Binder and Reimers, All Nations Under Heaven, 93-148

March 23: Social Mobility in the City, 1850-1920
Chudacoff and Smith, The Evolution of American Urban Society, chapter 5, “Patterns of Social Mobility”
Thernstrom, The Other Bostonians: Poverty and Progress in the American Metropolis
Kessner, The Golden Door: Italian and Jewish Immigrant Mobility in NYC


March 30: The Rise of the Political Machine, 1850-1920
Chudacoff and Smith, The Evolution of American Urban Society, chapter 6, whole chapter

April 4: Gangs of New York, Part I
Gangs of New York movie review

April 6: Gangs of New York, part II

April 11: Progressive Era Reform, 1880-1920
Chudacoff and Smith, The Evolution of American Urban Society, chapter 7, whole chapter

April 13: Consumer Culture, Metropolitanism, and “Modern” Culture, and the City, 1890-1930
Chudacoff and Smith, The Evolution of American Urban Society, chapter 8

April 17-26: SPRING BREAK

April 27: Cities in the Great Depression, 1929-1941
Chudacoff and Smith, The Evolution of American Urban Society, chapter 8, “The Great Depression” and “Political and Social Life in the 1930s”

May 2: World War II, Postwar Growth, and Suburbanization, 1941-1970
Chudacoff and Smith, The Evolution of American Urban Society, chapter 9, “The Impact of World War II on Cities,” “Postwar Suburban Growth” [“Spatial Patterns of Postwar Growth”], “Racial Transition in Urban Neighborhoods” [“Reshaping Downtown”]

May 4: Civil Rights Protests in the Cities, 1945-1970
Chudacoff and Smith, The Evolution of American Urban Society, chapter 9, “Currents of Protest”

May 9: The “Urban Crisis” and Government Responses, 1970-2000
Chudacoff and Smith, The Evolution of American Urban Society, chapter 10, “Deindustrialization and Financial Crisis,” “The Decline of Federal Urban Policy,” “Dual Cities,” and “Privatization, Gambling, and Tourism” [older editions: whole chapter except “Into the Twenty-First Century”]

May 11: The “New Immigrants,” 1960-2000
Binder and Reimers, All Nations Under Heaven [225-257]

May 16: Post 9/11 and the American City, 2001-2008
Chudacoff and Smith, The Evolution of American Urban Society, chapter 10, remainder of chapter
The September 11 Digital Archive (Web site):

May 18: Post 9/11 continued, exam review

May 23: FINAL EXAM, 1:00-3:00pm