Tag Archives: Binder
I was born and raised in Brooklyn. Brooklyn is notoriously known to be a dirty crime filled city, but that is not is how a citizen of Brooklyn looks at it. I see Brooklyn as my hometown and over the … Continue reading
The 7 is a cheaper plane ticket
Living next to a 7 train station, Binder naming the 7 train the “Orient Express” caught my attention. Flushing, today, is inhabited by a majority of Chinese and Korean descent. Due to immigration, the 7 train serves as a link … Continue reading
From Black and White to Multicolor
My family came from South India around 25 years ago. My dad got the visa because of my uncle who was already a U.S. citizen. My mom got hers with her brother. They told me when they first came to … Continue reading
Through Their Eyes
When reading the Binder reading on Immigration I could help but want to create a website that showed a more sympathetic view on the topic. Instead of stating cold hard facts and coming across as just another website that robotically … Continue reading
Countless Cultures 3.0
New York’s population, as stated in writings by Binder and Reimers, maximized greatly during the 1720s, as the count jumped from 33,131 to 60,489. This vast popluation growth caused the problematic result of assimilating the new-New Yorkers. The city’s population … Continue reading
immigration and the hardships
Chudacoff and Binder have to different approaches of how they choose to write about immigration. Chudacoff took a generalization of everything and Binder basically broke it down. Chudacoff gave lots of detail. He basically explained everything immigrants were going through … Continue reading
Chudacoff Vs Binder
Chudacoff takes a very different view point when he analyzes the immigration. He focuses on the late 19th century and early 20th. He analyzes the impact immigration has as a whole, how the large amount of immigrants impacted the level … Continue reading
“Ew, a Rat!” “Hun, That’s Normal!”
Chudacoff analyzed the impact of immigration as a whole whereas Binder divided it by segments. Chudacoff emphasized on three different waves of immigration, and how the last one influenced everything from the rise of population causing high competition for mediocre … Continue reading