Tag Archives: history
Protest Songs
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3L6uyxBPFc&feature=fvwrel This video shows a protest against the Vietnam War and how the people reacted and/or handled the situation. I think one major difference about protests from then and now is how authority was able to handle certain situations. For example, … Continue reading
Within the reading of Chudacoff he discusses how the publishers of newspapers and magazines try to attract readers by “exposing the scandals and injustices of contemporary society” (Chudacoff 154). When I was reading about it I thought that the idea … Continue reading
Production of Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Uncle Tom’s Cabin is a novel written by Harriet Beecher Stowe that depicts the horrors that slavery produced. Since there wasn’t many copyright laws, people produced the book. According to many historians, this book “laid the groundwork for the Civil War.” … Continue reading
Five Points: The “Point” of No Return
Five Points was where it went down – the rebelling, the yelling, the fighting, the frighting… It was the “point” where the Gangs of New York could be found. Known to have the highest murder rate of any slum in … Continue reading
Made in………
Today there is many debate on what to do with the many immigratesthat we have today. It seem that many look at foreign born as a bad thing. Yes they are pro and cons to having foreigners in America, but … Continue reading
At the beginning they show a lot of picture and give a lot of facts about slavery, and how it was wrong… but then it shows New York as a somewhat of a safe place, where slaves that wanted freedom could go and … Continue reading
Barnum’s Museum
Barnum’s Museum has the 3-D exploration features. It allows visitors to catch a glimpse of mid 19th century’s style and artifacts. It’s a modern way of teaching history events. It offers archives and classroom settings for an easy entertainment and … Continue reading
Opinioned sources on Five Points- Lack of “Penance” or “Patronage”?
Church Monthly, March 1858, (as quoted in Monthly Record of the Five Points House of Industry 2, June 1858, pgs 34-35. “The most notorious precinct of moral leprosy in the city, … a perfect hot-bed of physical and moral pestilence, … Continue reading
Long Lived the Loyalists… †
NEW YORK LOYALISTS WENT INTO EXILE??? “YES!!!” In 1783, at the end of war, thousands of New York loyalists were removed from their city. The most popular merchants and land owners who were faithful to the Crown left along with … Continue reading
Independence & Taxes
As the colonies tried their best to obtain self-government and commercial independence from the British, they were then faced by their ‘higher’ power. Although they made it somehow illegal for the British to have any interference, the British had their … Continue reading