Tag Archives: New York
“Our Very Own Island in the City”
People from all over the world migrated to New York in an effort to have a better life. They predicted opportunities within the city and jumped in to join those seeking those opportunities. We are told of the numerous ethnicities that … Continue reading
Platanos! Platanos! 4 por un dolar!
(plantains! plantains! 4 for a dollar!) My siblings and I were born in New York, being the only generation of children in my family to be born in the United States. My parents are both from the Dominican Republic, coming … Continue reading
The not so central park(s)
During the great depression, many noticeable changes occurred for a multitude of cities across the U.S. However, it seems to be the culmination of little changes that created a bigger impact during the great depression. A very important and yet seemingly overlooked factor was … Continue reading
Gangs Of New York
Gangs of New York had many stars in it, including Leonardo DiCaprio. It is the story of the rivalry between gangs located in the Five Points of Manhattan which is in downtown Manhattan. Many of the fights were between Tammany … Continue reading
Countless Cultures 3.0
New York’s population, as stated in writings by Binder and Reimers, maximized greatly during the 1720s, as the count jumped from 33,131 to 60,489. This vast popluation growth caused the problematic result of assimilating the new-New Yorkers. The city’s population … Continue reading
A So Called Bus…
“The omnibus made wheeled transportation available to more people tan did the hackneys and carriages, and it carried riders on a reasonably predictable schedule” (Chudacoff 81). The omnibus was a great transformation as transportation became more conformed. People fixed their … Continue reading
All Aboard!!! ^.^
*toot-toot* The instigation of the railroad in the 1840s was an prominent upgrade to the city’s earlier means of transportation, which was by horse. The horse generally took an average of four to six days to travel the same distance … Continue reading
Draft Riots of the 19th Century
Bernstein and the website both make arguments around Draft Riots during the 19th century. This particular draft riot was in part due to the Conscription Act of 1863. Passed by President Lincoln to gain larger forces to fight the south, … Continue reading
Drafts Impose Hate
Bernstein’s New York City Draft Riots and the Virtual New York website both show the violent draft riots of New York City. The riots began after the passing of the National Conscription Act of 1863. This act was passed by … Continue reading
As We Riot..
In Bernstein, The New York City Draft Riots and Virtual New York website, we learned about the Draft Riots that shook New York City. The amount of violence and bloodshed made it into a monumental event of New York City … Continue reading