Tag Archives: Reform
Educational Reform
With the advances of technology, it was only a matter of time before these advances reached the classroom. As we all have noticed, classrooms have become more technologically advanced with every passing day. Whether it is “Smart” boards in the … Continue reading
education reform…helpless?
With the recent departure of the New York City schools chancellor, Cathleen P. Black, it was apparent from the beginning that schools are in a huge need for reform. even the reception that greeted Ms. Black was not solemn but almost taken … Continue reading
Reforms for the Working Class
The late 19th to the early 20th centuries saw a series of beneficial reforms by lawmakers for the working class. According to Chudacoff, Union rights to ‘organize, bargain, and strike’ were advocated by rising democratic leaders (p172) and they fought … Continue reading
religious and moral reform….
In the late 1800’s Protestant groups consisting of older men reformed their religious mission due to the social crisis and labor struggles that were occuring. There was a Social Gospel that portrayed the human aspects of Christianity. As said in … Continue reading
Gender reform in jobs today?
Earlier years, American women had to face multiple gender discrimination. They have been fighting for an equal role in society since 19th century. Job opportunities for female during the 19th century were limited and employers paid less to women than … Continue reading
Remedy for Poverty
Ever wondered how the need for an increased police force intensified? Or how cities gained the access to “a more liberal use of water (Chudacoff, 55)? Or maybe even how public education evolved and expanded? Due to the rapid increase … Continue reading